Chapter 78: flashforwards

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*Ten months later, May 2024*

It was a hot day in Barcelona. You've been at the track the whole day, working on some social media ideas for RedBull. You were so busy you barely noticed the sun going down.

Only when it was so dark you could no longer read the papers in front of you did you look at the clock. It was almost 10 pm. Shit, it really was time to get something to eat and go home.

A few minutes later, you walk out the door. It was quiet in the paddock, there was hardly anyone around. It had finally cooled down a bit, the breeze was lovely. With all the important papers and books in hand, you walk towards the exit. Watching your footsteps so you wouldn't fall, you suddenly bump into someone.

Yn: Shit, sorry, I wasn't looking.

You bend down to pick up all your papers, which by the way were now all mixed up.

Lando: It's fine, here let me.

He also bends down and picks up your papers. You felt like you could no longer move, let alone say anything. You let him pick up your papers and give them back to you.

Lando: What are you working on so late?

You really needed to find your voice.

Yn: I, eh, just some ideas.

He gives you a kind smile.

Lando: Knowing you they aren't 'just' some ideas, they must be great.

You shrug and look at your feet.

Yn: They're just in the developing phase.

Lando: I'd ask you to tell me about it, but I'm sure you're not able to do that. Seeing I'm driving for another team and all.

It felt just like old times, which after all this time felt weird. You hadn't talked to him since that night 10 months ago, which felt like a lifetime. Still, it felt oddly familiar which startled you a bit. You must've been quiet for some time, because he was getting ready to leave. You suddenly felt the urge to talk to him for just a moment longer.

Yn: How've you been?

Lando: I'm feeling better.

Yn: Are you happy?

Lando: Are you?

Yn: I am.

Lando: Then so am I.

You feel your cheeks getting red, not knowing what else to say. You were debating whether to keep standing there or to say something else, when he spoke up again.

Lando: Have you eaten today?

His question came out of nowhere.

Yn: I, eh, no, I forgot with all the work.

Lando: I've found this great take away place that looks just like your favourite place back home, I can take you?

Yn: Sure.

Before you knew it, you'd agreed to go with him. Well, you had to eat anyway. That night, you eat your food on the beach looking at the stars and talking about your careers. None of you mentioned your past or your current dating life. Just two people, catching up and looking at the sky.

Yn: Why aren't you cold?

Lando: This sweater I'm wearing always keeps me warm.

Yn: Hold on, I know that sweater. Is it, no it can't be, it's mine?

Lando: It's not yours it's mine, you gave it to me.

Yn: I did not give it to you, you took it.

Lando: Potayto, potahto.

Yn: Fine, it looks better on you anyways.

You smile to yourself, your sweater has kept him warm. You didn't know if he'd meant it metaphorically, but you'd like to think he did.

Lando: I heard people are calling you Bells now?

Yn: Yeah, a nickname that has unfortunately stuck.

Lando: It's got a nice ring to it, but why 'Bells'?

Yn: Do you remember those Christmas earrings Max got me?

Lando: I do, those jingle bells right?

Yn: Yeah, Lan, jingle Bells.

Lando: I know what jingle bells are, you know-it-all.

Yn: Seriously? Jingle bells, BELLS.

He starts laughing at you.

Lando: No that's not where your nickname comes from, tell me you're joking.

He keeps laughing at you and you couldn't help but laugh at yourself as well.

Yn: It is.

Lando: That's hilarious and maybe a little sad.

Yn: Well I like Christmas.

Lando: Well, even though Bells is the one that stuck, I'll always favour Muppet.

Yn: I know, Lan.

In the months before tonight, you were able to forget why you'd loved him so much. But tonight, you knew exactly why your love for Lando had consumed you. It was nice, to just for one night, be with each other. Even if it was as less than friends.

"Sometimes, all I think about is you

Late nights in the middle of June"

(Glass Animals, 2020)

One of a kind - Lando NorrisUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum