Gifts (Rose's p.o.v)

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"are you sure Rose?" Perri asks me.

Arond 3:30am I snuck out of my room and into Perri's.

"I'm telling you Perri, she visited me and she's coming." I say to her.

"how did she visit you?" She asks confused.

"if I told you, you wouldn't believe me." I say to her.

"try me."

"ok fine, I had a vision of an attack." I blurt out.

"you wha....." I quickly put my hand over her mouth.

"shhh" i tell her bringing my finger from my free hand to my."do you want the whole world to know?" I ask her in a whisper.

"sorry" she says as I slowly take my hand away.

"you have to tell Seth." She says.

"what if he thinks I'm crazy?" I ask her.

"do that magic thing you did with Sammy." She say.

I suddenly recall when I used one of my multiple gifts to show Sammy, perri's boyfriend, the war of 1812.

"what if he won't listen?" I ask.

"Rose he's your mate he kind of has to listen." She replies.

"you're right." I say getting up and walking to the door. "wish me luck." I say crossing my fingers as I walk into the hallway and into Seth's 'alpha office'.

"Seth?" I say as I open the door.

"hey Rose." Nick says to me. " heard you're back from the dead."

" hey Nick." I say.

"umm Seth can I talk to you?" I ask.

"yeah what about." Seth replies.

"privately?" I ask as my eyes flicker to Nick.

"oh sorry." Nick says backing out the door and slowly closing it.


"and you're sure?" Seth asks me.

"as sure as I'll ever be." I answer.

"well do you know when?" He asks.

"during the summer. " i tell him. " and there's something else you should know." I say.

"well tell me god damn it." Seth says.

"McKenzie is the one helping her." I say.

"what?!" Seth yells but then suddenly changes his tone." How do you know?" He asks.

"same way I know about the attack. " i say.

he stays quiet for a minute, taking in all that i have said.

"well I guess we better get to work." He says standing up and walkong out of the office.


"ok guys now I know it's late but I wouldn't have called you all unless it was important" Seth starts off.

He explains about the attacks and Scarlett.

"but now we have an answer." He says. He starts to explain about my gift(s) and my vision.

"wait so we're fighting against vampires?" Jacob asks.

"yes." Seth answers.

"so what about dylan?" Michel asks.

"he's not part of it!" I yell " he never was." I say.

They all look at me like I'm crazy.

"they will come durring summer solace." I say.

"that's in three weeks!" Megan, a short girl with shorter black hair, says.

" all the more reason to start training." I say.

"she's right." Seth says. " there's no time like the present.

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