my mate is a hottie

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For those of you who dont know what a hell hound is i put a picture so you could see it ....Carry on*


I woke up in an odd room. It was cold and dark and my back ached alot. I sat up still in my tattered dress. Where am I? I think. i open the door and emerge into a long hallway.

"hello?" I say.

" oh you're awake." A woman says coming up to me. She was about 5'3 and had long back hair. Her eyes were a pale blue and seemed friendly.

She lead me to a kitchen.

"here drink this" she says handing me a coffe cup full of odd smelling liquid.

"i wouldn't do that if i were you princess." A muscluar boy, probably a year younger than i, said as he walked in.

"what's your name baby girl" he asked me.

"Rosemee" i reply giggling.

"I'm Jacob"another boy, about the same age, says running up to me. "and this is Nick" he said pointing to the other boy.

"only awake for 10 minutes and you already have guys running to your side." The woman said. We all start laughing."im Emma" she says holding her hand out for me to shake.

"my son is Seth he was the one who carried you in." She continued.

Seth. The sound of his name made butterflies in my stomach.

"Hey mom!" I heard a familiar voice call out.

It was him.

He strolled in his hair black and his skin tan. He was beautiful. i never saw anyone like him. He wore a black tshirt which hugged his mucles perfectly.

He held my gaze for what seemed like forever.

MATE! MATE! I heard a small part of me yell.

As soon as he held my gaze we both dropped it as his mother was yelling at him.

"Rosemee" he said the way he said my name made me smile.

"that's my name don't wear it out" i replied as everyone els laughed.

His smile was beautiful.

"where's Leo?" He asks almost instantly i break into tears.

My little brother. My dead little brother.

Jacob, Nick, and a few others walked me over to the livingroom.

It made me smile alittle at how much they tried to cheer me up.

But what i really needed was a hug from him. My mate.

"i'm sorry" Seth says putting his large arms around me. I sob softly into his tshirt for a while as he calms me down.

I looked up to see him gazing down at me. His large hazle eyes staring straight into my purple ones.

He made me feel so safe and protected.

"I was supposed to protect him" i say softly so that only he could hear.


"the towles are hanging up theres a spare toothbrush in the drawer and if you need anything els, please, im just a door away." Emma says to me.

"ok mom she's got it now get out of my room" Seth says obviously annoyed."i thought she'd never leave" he sighs.

"your mom is very nice" i point out.

"shes only nice because you're here" he says.

"well I'm gonna take a shower"i say.

"ok have fun." He stops "unless you wish for me to join you"

"umm no thanks " i say locking the bathroom door behind me

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