the preparation

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My name is Seth Manssen.

I'm a 17 year old werewolf in the Night Cliff pack. I'm Beta.

"Seth is her room ready?" Alpha Clash asked me.

"Almost." I reply "when is she coming?" I ask.

"tomorrow!"my mother says running in seeing that the room is ready for her arrival.

"why is this such a big deal?" I ask throwing my hands up exasperately as my mom pushes me other to fix the bed sheets.

"because she may be able to help us against the rouges." Clash says. "she's supposed to be a great war leader." He continues.

"well I'd hope so she's been training for eternity." Leo says walking in. "oh and Seth see to it that my little sister stays out of trouble, you'll be the one watching over her." He said turning to me.

"why me?" I say

"Seth!" My mother yells.

"i better get going." Leo says looking at his watch. "can't keep the princess waiting." He says walking out the door.



"are you ready yet?" My father yells at me from the hall way.

"almost " Aphrodite replies adding few touch-ups to my outfit or my makeup.

"it'll be your first time on earth in centuries. We must make sure everything is perfect."she says fixing my hair. "gotta make sure you look your best when you ....." She trailed off.

"when i what?" I ask encouraging her to continue.

"here wear these."ahe said dodging my question. "they go perfect with your dress." She hands me the most beauriful pair of sandals you could ever see. Let alone buy. On Earth such a thing mush be especialy expensive.

"there's my sister!" Leo says holding his arms out as i run into them.

Leo was about 5foot 10and fairly pale. He got that from my mother. He always called me 'little sis' which is funny because i'm the eldest twin.

"you look beautiful" my father says "now hurry you mustn't be late."

Leo leads me out to the gate of Olympus.

"c'mon." Leo says as he pulls me through the open gate. "you'll love it!"

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