my dream (seth's p.o.v.)

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She was hurting.

Because of me.

I made her bestfriend leave.

I made her cry.

I made her die inside.

Not her, not her father, not my mom.


"seth get your ass to bed right now!" My mother yells at me for the hundreth time since we've been home.

"no mom I can't now." I say.

I look over to the couch where Rose layed.

Her chest slightly rose and fell as she dreamed quietly.

"go she will be fine." My mother says to me.

I look at my watch which read 5 am. Thank goodness it's only the weekend.

I look at Rose once more before I assend the stair case.


"dad!" I scream at the top of my lungs.



Over and over again i scream.

But got no answer.

"aww poor little Seth." I hear a familiar voice say behind me. I quickly turn around but see no one.

"ha looking for dear daddy are you?" The voice says to me.

"who-who are you." I stutter.

"well that depends. Who are you?" She says.

I don't respond. Its obvious she knows who I am.

"why are you here?" I ask.

"don't you know honey," she says ."i was there." She whisper in my ear.


I feel my head be pushed to tbe right.




"dad!!" I scream with everything I have.

There he was laying on the floor. In a pool of blood.

I'm paralyzed.

I want to run home and close my door.

Maybe wake up from this horrid dream.

Bit i knew it wasn't.

That he was really gone.

And there was no escaping it.

"ha and better yet. Your little girlfriend will be next." She laughs at her statement.


I bolt up from my bed. Both me and the sheets are soaked in sweat.

It takes me a minute to catch my breath and realize it was only a dream.

I get up and walk over to my closet, pulling my shirt off.

Just then my bedroom door opens.

"oh um sorry, your mom sent me to get your laundry." Rose says her eyes flutter to my shirtless chest and then instantly,go to the wall. Aa if the wall is suddenly more interesting than her mate.

"oh ok." I look at the basket. Ot looked kindda heavy.

"need some help?" I offer.

" no, no its ok." She says walking over to the basket and picking it up with ease.

"bad dream? I heard you screaming from my room." She says looking at me woth concern.

"uhh yeah but I'm fine" i lie.

"oh ok." She says obviously not buying it but not wanting to push the subject.

"i love you." I say to her with out thinking.

She looks at me ,her purple eyes didn't sparkle loke they used to.

She turns around and walks out of my room.

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