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I couldn't believe what was infront of my eyes. Dylan, my best friend came with me on this journey to get me back to Seth, meanwhile Seth hooked up with McKenzie.

How could he do this to me. I must've stood there a full five minutes collecting my thoughts before they realized I was there.

"Rose?" He asked surprised.

"i can't believe you!!!" I yell running out the house.

"Rose!" I hear Dylan call out to me. But i don't stop i just keep running.

How stupid was I?

To believe that there was such thing as forever!

My whole world shut down. I sat in the middle of the woods and cried for hours just sitting here. I didn't move. I just cried.

I felt the wind pick up and soon i could feel drops of rain. But i didn't care.

I just wanted to get away from there. Away from Seth. Away from McKenzie. Away from everyone.

It started to rain harder and pretty soon i was completely soaked.

"Rose?" I heard a voice call out.

Seth i thought.

But reality hit.

Why would Seth come looking for me when he had McKenzie?

"Dylan! She's over here!" I heard Jacob say.

What was Jacob doing with Dylan?

"Rosie!" Dylan said. His nickname always made me smile.

"Dylan" i say as he picked me up ove his shoulder and started towards the house.

"what are you doing?!?!" I ask pounding my fists against his back.

"ow" he says.

"i don't wanna go back!" I scream. I admit it was childish but if it was the only way to get Dylan to put me down it had to be done.

"seriously Rose chill" Jacob said trying to calm me down.

i continued to thrash and scream.

Then Dylan did the weirdest but bravest thing ever. He flipped me around to where i was on my feet and kissed me.

He kissed me!

Well you can bet that shut me up.

"dude i think you dislocated my shoulder." He says rubbing it.

"you kissed me?" I said astonished.

"yeah cause you wouldn't shut up" he said.

"in my defense you could've been a serial killer." I say.

"sureeee" he says

"Seth told me everything" Jacob cut in.

"everything?" Dylan asked.

"Yeah about...." He trailed off because i started crying.

"oh Rosie" Dylan says. I send him a thought of everything thats happened between Seth and I.

"I'll kill that bastard!" He said standing up.

"no don't" i say.

"But Ro..."

"i don't care anymore just get me out of this rain." I said.

We walk back, well Dylan gave me a piggie-back-ride because i twisted my ankle when i was running, to the house.

Emma and Seth are sitting on the fromt porch deep in conversation. I realize they're having an argument.

Of cource Dylan being the cute idiot he is, he walks right inbetween them.

"excuse me can't you see we're having a conversation here." Seth says his eyes land on me. I turn my head and look away.

Dylan turns continues.

"I'm talking to you!" Seth calls out.

"well I'm not talking to you." Dylan says annoyed. He's gonna get an earful.

"put her down I'm sure she can walk ." Seth says.

"dumb ass I'm carrying her for a reason." Dylan says.

"calm down "i whisper. Its not safe to be around a hybrid wolf when he's pissed, not even I have seen Dylan so mad.

"what did you call me?" Seth says.

Dylan puts me down and Emma helps me inside.

I don't exactly know what happened after but lets just say i take back all i said about Dylan being the weak one.

Seth came in with blood dripping from his forehead, a broken rib, and a broken ankle. While Dylan was spotless. Not a cut, not even a bruise.

Now we know what happens when he gets pissed.

Confessions of a teenage GoddessWhere stories live. Discover now