what happened to innocent untill proven guilty?

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"rose!" Seth calls running after me.

"he's gone. He's really gone." I say falling to my knees.

"i know, but it'll be ok Rose. I promise. Dylan can fend for himself." Seth says sitting down next to me. He gently grabs me in his embrace and rocks me slowly as I sob.

"come on Rose, lets get out of the rain before you get sick." Seth says standing up after a few moments.

I grab his outreached hand and pull myself up.

As we walk towards the house the rain begins to pour harder.

"oh my" emma says wrapping a towl around my rain soaked body.

"come on Rose, it's late." Seth says motioning for me to follow up the stairs.

I walk down the familiar hallway ro the room I once slept in.

" umm well tou know where my room is if you need me." Seth says rubbong his neck with his right hand.

I go straight to the bag full of clothes and open it to find Dylan's old sweater. The one I would always wear when i slept over at lexi's.

I put the sweater up to my nose and his sent fills my lungs. Instantly I'm reminded of all the times we spent at camp together, just us three, me dylan and lexi, at the beach, at the stables, in the woods. We even went on missions together. I was reminded of the long nights we spent together just talking and messing around.

Reminded of the long walks Dylan and I took at night when I would sneak out. The talks, the laughs, the tears. The memories.

I could feel new tears roll down my cheeks.

" I'll leave you alone." Seth whispers quietly.

I walk over to the corner and slide down to a sitting position. I cry for hours holding the sweater. Wishing for Dylan to come back. To call me Rosie again. To understand me. To be there for me. To hold me. To do everything he once did.

To be my best friend again.

But he was gone.


I woke up around 3 am in the bed to the sound of clattering dishes and hushed voices.

I swiftly slip out of my room and quietly slip down the hall way towards the kitchen.

"i can't believe there's been another one." I hear seth say.

"does she know?" I hear perri respond. No doubt they were talking about me.

"no, and we can't tell her untill we are for certian it's him." Seth replies.

"I'm telling you Seth i say him with the vamp. They're on the same team." I hear an infamiliar voice say.

Wait what.

No that can't be.

There's no way Dylan would be working with Scarlett.

No dylans's father was killed by Scarlett like my mother.

He wouldn't join her.

He hated her.

My mind was going a million miles a second.

He couldn't. He wouldn't.

"Seth, there's been another attack!" A voice whom i assume belonged to Nick says.

"what you can't be serious!" Emma says loudly.

"rouge or vampire?" Perri asks.

"we... We think it's both." Nick says.

Instantly im furious. How dare they assume Dylan is guilty of this horrid crime.

He would never. I loose my control and i instantly regret it.

"take me!" I yell standing up from my crouched position behind a couch.

"no Rose." Seth says, his alpha tone taking over.

But two can play at that game.

" I'm going." I say using 'my alpha tone' which just so happens to be my ' the princess gets what she wants or she will tear your head off with a spoon' tone i use when one of the gods really get on my nerves, which are almost always.

I look at Nick. " take me." I repeat.

He nodds, his body still in shock from my little out burst.

I follow him out the door and seth follows me.

" turn around." Seth tells Nick.

I laugh and 'wolf-up' .

That's the great thing about being mixed species. When I wolf up my clothes don't rip to shreads, the dissapear and reappear when I change back.

I watch as Nick walks behind a tree and wolfs up. Seth does the same leaving his jeans and white v-neck in a folded pile.

They take off and I run after them. It didn't really take much effort to catch up. I could hear their heavy pants but I was barely out of breath. I swear I could have done this for years and not be tired.

We stop at a small patch of dense trees.

I walk over to the body of a young male, just around my age with shaggy black hair.

The scent was one I would never get confused.

Scarlett had been here.

But so had someone els.

A wolf.

That couldn't be correct.

Wolfs and vampires hate each other.

Unless they're eachother's mate

'its not Dylan.' I say through my link.

'how could you possibly know?' Nick responds.

' I'd recognize his scent.' I reply.

'so then who is working with Scarlett?' Seth asks.

' i don't know but who ever it is they are careless, she won't hang on to him for long.' I say

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