All hope of avoiding the huge whale seemed lost as they approached the great creature at blinding speeds.

"Everyone, return! Rea!" Yukiko said to her Dragonite. "Try and slow down the ship with Tailwind!

Rea went to the astonished and blew wind into the sails to slow it down. But it was no use the ship had only slowed down slightly, the downward pull of gravity was too strong and the ship continued on its collision course.

Yukiko had lost her footing and she and Pachi fell off the boat. Thankfully, Rea quickly reacted and caught her. "Thanks girl."

The whale began to call out. The sound reverberated off the water and shook Yukiko to the bone and through the heart. The call was filled with loneliness and determination.

"Where's Yuki-chan?!" Sanji cried.

"Back around at the front of the whale most likely!" Nami cried.

Suddenly, Luffy came barrelling back upon to the deck teeth bared and brow furrowed.

"Luffy. . .?" Nami asked confused, why was he so worked up.

"You. . . !" Luffy growled lowly, raising his fist. "What the hell did you do to my special seat?!" Luffy punched the whale right in the center of its eye.

"DUMBASS!" Everyone shouted gobsmacked and terrified.

For a moment it appeared as if the whale hadn't felt the hit. But then it looked at them.

"How was that?! Bring it on you bastard!" Luffy provoked.

"Shut up already! You idiot!" Usopp, Zoro and Sanji snarled kicking Luffy in the head.

The whale opened its mouth and let out a big cry. At the same time though the mouth acted like a vacuum and the sea water was slowly sucked into the giant mouth along with the ship.

"-Luffy!" Nami exclaimed when she saw him fall over the railing. Luffy managed to stretch though and grab on to a tooth.

Then he spotted Yukiko and Pachi on Rea.

"What are you doing off the ship?'" Luffy yelled when he jumped and got onto Rea's back.

"We tried to slow down the ship but I lost my foot as it was too fast. Rea caught me and Pachi. But the others!" Yukiko said getting his attention.

"Ah! They got eaten!"

"We need to go save them!" She shouted as Luffy spotted something.

"Hey, there's something on that whales' back!" He pointed.


It looked like a door. In fact it was!

"Why is there a door on top of a whales head?!" She spluttered, as Rea scrambled to it and Luffy was playing with the door opening it and closing it.

"Don't know, maybe its a Door whale?" Was Luffy's answer.

"Is there such a thing as a door whale in this world?" Yukiko said her brow arching.


The whale shook again it was diving back in to the sea again.

"Quick! Get in! Get in! Rea Return!" Yukiko said pushing Luffy into the door and following straight after with Pachi.

Locking the door tightly, her jaw dropped. There was a walkway inside of the whale! The interior of the whale looked like what the inside of a submarine might be.

"Why is there a passage way in a whale!" Luffy said putting into words the exact question Yukiko was going to ask.

They walked through the passage way for a while before it opened up into a tunnel like area. There was a river of water- not blood- thankfully and a walkway on each side.

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