Finally! Entering the Grand Line!

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He propelled himself up and landed on his feet besides Sanji. "The Grand Line, at last!" Luffy couldn't contain his excitement and began patting Sanji on the back with a little too much force. "Hey, Sanji!  I cant believe it! We're finally going! We're finally going!"

Sanji had finally had enough and delivered a roundhouse kick that hit Luffy right in the face. "Quit it!"


Nami frowned, "But is it really like how it's drawn here?" She thought staring intently at the map, if it was really accurate then they still had a pretty big hurdle to climb before they could even take a shot at the Grand Line.

"Guys, get inside! Nami needs to tell us something important!" Yukiko said as Pachi leapt on her shoulder.
Satisfied that there were no marines in the distance waiting to ambush them. They all conveyed inside. "Look at this!"

Nami said slapping the map down on to the table in front of everyone. Who all stuffed closer to see what the navigator found so interesting. "I'd heard the rumors about it, and it's drawn on the map, too! If it really is true then the entrance to the Grand Line Is a mountain!" The reaction was as expected.

"-We'll gotta crash into a mountain?" Zoro deadpanned.

"You can't be serious." Usopp exclaimed from his post on the rudder. "How is a ship supposed to travel over a mountain?!" 

"I didn't believe it myself, but the map has canals that lead to the mountain." Nami traced her finger tips over the drawings of the canal that lead up from the sea of East Blue to the summit. "That might mean we have to go up it!"

"Even if there are canals. The ship can't climb up a mountain!" Zoro pointed out.

"But that's what the map says!" Nami argued back.

"Yeah, Nami-san would never say anything that's wrong!" Sanji jumped to Nami's defence.

"Anyway, You stole that map from Buggy, right? Can we really trust it?" Asked Zoro and it was a good point.

"I dont know. If huge sea monsters and dragons are real in this world. Why can't there be a canal that flows in reverse?" Yukiko countered as she's seen unnatural things in her world too.

". . ." No one could argue with her logic.

"What's the matter Usopp?" Yukiko asked, the sniper. He'd been making strange noises and moving about all around rudder.

"The rudder the rudders not working!" Usopp shouted.

""I'll help." Yukiko said as she pulled but she realized it was stuck, which meant something is wrong. "Nami, the rudder is not moving, I think we caught a current."

"Eh?! Yukiko what did you just say?" Nami said finally paying attention to the struggle behind her.

"She.grr....She said 'I think we caught a current'?!" Usopp grunted in a strained voice.

"Current. . ." Nami trailed off. "That's it!" Nami exclaimed suddenly. Kicking herself for not seeing it sooner.

"That's what?" Luffy echoed.

"They really do go up the mountain!"

"Are you still saying that stuff?!" Zoro said.

"Look here!" Nami said pointing at Reverse Mountain. "See? The guiding light was defiantly pointing to here on the Red Line. . . Reverse Mountain!"

"See these canals here?" Nami pointed to the five canals. "If the major currents from the four oceans all flow toward this mountain. . ." Nami dragged her finger up the drawing of the canal came from East Blue until to the center.

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