Chapter 39 *Bonus Chapter*

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Twelve years had passed since that perfect day at the beach, and life had continued its forward march. Gia and Kian, your beloved twins, had grown into bright and spirited twelve-year-olds. Today marked a significant milestone in their lives—their first day of middle school.

Morning sunlight filtered through the curtains, casting a warm glow across the room as you stirred awake. Goku lay beside you, his eyes still closed in slumber. You watched him for a moment, your heart swelling with love for the man who had been by your side through every battle and joy.

As you began to stir, Goku sensed your wakefulness and opened his eyes. His warm, chocolate-brown eyes met yours, and he greeted you with a soft, loving smile. "Morning, beautiful."

"Morning," you replied, returning his smile with equal affection. "Can you believe it's their first day of middle school today?"

Goku chuckled, his hand reaching out to caress your cheek. "Time really flies, doesn't it?"

With a sigh, you sat up in bed, the covers slipping away. "We should probably get up and make breakfast. I want to make sure they have a good meal before their big day."

Goku grinned, a mischievous twinkle in his eye. "You know, Goten's still living with us. He'll be heading off to his job soon."

You playfully swatted his arm. "Don't tease the kids about growing up. Besides, you're just as excited as they are."

Goku's laughter filled the room as he climbed out of bed. "You got me there."

As you and Goku prepared breakfast together, the delicious scent of pancakes and fresh fruit wafted through the house. Goten, now twenty-seven and a skilled martial artist in his own right, joined you in the kitchen. His easygoing nature and quick wit had made him a beloved figure in the family.

"Smells amazing, Mom," Goten remarked, giving you a playful wink.

You smiled warmly at him. "Thank you, Goten. You know your little brother and sister are starting middle school today, right?"

Goten's expression turned nostalgic as he leaned against the kitchen counter. "I remember when I started middle school. It's a big step for them."

Gia and Kian, always early risers, soon bounded into the kitchen, their excitement palpable. Gia, with her deep, expressive eyes and auburn hair, looked more like you, while Kian, with his unruly black hair and a strong resemblance to his father and older brothers.

"Morning, Mom! Morning, Dad! Morning, Goten!" Kian greeted everyone cheerfully, his enthusiasm infectious.

Gia, however, remained a bit more reserved. She offered a shy smile and a soft, "Morning," as she took her seat at the table.

As you all sat down to enjoy breakfast, Goku couldn't contain his excitement. "So, you two, how are you feeling about starting middle school today?"

Kian practically vibrated with eagerness. "I can't wait, Dad! I'm gonna make so many new friends!"

Gia nodded, her eyes brightening as she spoke quietly, "I'm looking forward to it too."

After breakfast, you helped Gia and Kian gather their school supplies and don their new uniforms. Goku, as always, added an extra dose of enthusiasm to the morning routine. He even playfully adjusted Kian's tie, causing the young boy to giggle.

As the time to leave for school approached, you stood with Gia and Kian in the living room, Goku and Goten beside you. You snapped a quick photo to capture the moment, your heart swelling with pride at how much they had grown.

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