Chapter 26

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The day began with the gentle touch of the sun's rays caressing your face, creating a warm and comforting sensation. Seeking solace from the sun's embrace, you nestled into Goku's chest, yet the realization that his side of the bed remained empty prompted you to shift.

With a sigh, you lingered there, your gaze fixed upon the ceiling. A whirlwind of thoughts danced within your mind, as you contemplated the day's plans, a blend of excitement and nervous anticipation swirling within you.

Today held a significant moment – the revelation of your baby's gender. Alongside this, you aimed to inquire about Vegeta's insistence on the test. Unbeknownst to you, his insistence stemmed from the fear of losing you, much like he had lost his mother if the baby turned out to be a girl.

He never blamed you for this, but witnessing the pain it caused his father had left an indelible mark on him. The prospect of a similar tragedy after all these years was something he couldn't bear.

Resolving to rise from the bed, you acknowledged Goku's absence, realizing he wouldn't be returning soon. Exiting the bedroom, the sound of his voice reached your ears, intermingled with those of Piccolo and Gohan.

"How's y/n?" Piccolo's gruff voice echoed.

"Where is she?" Gohan's curiosity was evident.


"I'm right here."

Goku moved to assist you, but you playfully swatted away his attempt. "Nope, I can manage to sit down on my own."

Piccolo let out a chuckle. "Well, that settles it."

"How are you two doing?" you inquired as you made your way to the couch.

"We're doing great! Excited to have Goten along!" Gohan's infectious enthusiasm brought a smile to your face, accompanied by Piccolo's dry humor.

"Don't group me with you."

"Yeah, yeah, Piccolo," Gohan chuckled. "Anyway, Y/n, Dad mentioned you guys are finding out today. That's quite the moment."

"Yeah, after you all head out and I grab a bite, we're heading over," you said, your smile accompanied by a gentle rub of your stomach.

Gohan's gaze shifted between you and his father, his genuine happiness for Goku palpable. The prospect of a new sibling excited him, even though he was the older one. The bond of family held immense value for him, regardless of its size.

As the guys departed and Goten emerged from his room, you and Goku found yourselves alone. Preparing a meal, you both sat down to eat, Goku patiently waiting at the table. It took another gentle reprimand from you to dissuade his eagerness to assist.

Though you appreciated his willingness to help, it sometimes felt a bit overwhelming. Goku's Saiyan connection heightened his worries and concerns, but he respected your desire for independence. He made an effort not to overwhelm you.

Savoring a brunch-like meal, you both relished a comfortable silence, occasionally punctuated by shared laughter when food playfully found its way between you.

For no particular reason, you found Goku's intense focus on his food endearing. A playful toss of a bread roll caught him off guard, briefly turning the meal into a mini-food fight.

The exchange didn't last long, and as you both finished your plates and tidied up, you readied yourselves to head over to Bulma's place.


"Bulma!?" You called out as you entered Capsule Corp, waiting for a response.

"Coming!" Her voice echoed through the halls.

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