Chapter 38

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The sun hung low in the sky, casting a warm, golden glow over the sandy shores of the beach. It was a perfect day, the kind that beckoned for outdoor adventures and family outings.

In your arms, Gia and Kian, now around nine months old, wriggled with excitement. Their wide, curious eyes took in the world around them as they babbled happily. They were bundles of joy, and you and Goku couldn't be happier to have them in your lives.

Ahead of you, Goten raced towards the water's edge, his laughter carrying on the sea breeze, he was a bundle of energy, always eager for adventure. You exchanged a knowing glance with Goku; your teenage son had inherited his father's zest for life.

Goku grinned and ruffled Goten's hair as he reached him. "You're fast, Goten!"

Goten beamed up at his father. "Race you to the big rock, Dad!"

As you set up a beach umbrella and spread out a large blanket, Goku chased Goten around in playful banter. Goten, now a teenager, still had boundless energy, and he loved these family trips to the beach.

"Come on, Dad! Catch me if you can!" Goten called out, his laughter carried away by the sea breeze.

Goku grinned and sprinted after his son, their playful chase leading them closer to the shoreline. You couldn't help but smile as you watched the two of them. Despite all the challenges you had faced, moments like these made it all worth it.

Gia and Kian, nestled in a comfortable stroller under the shade of the umbrella, watched their father and older brother with wide, curious eyes. They were growing so quickly, and every day seemed to bring new discoveries.

"Alright, you two," you cooed, bending down to look at your twins. "Are you ready to see the ocean for the first time?"

Gia, with her tuft of dark hair and bright eyes, gurgled in response, her tiny hands reaching out toward the glistening water.

Kian, his eyes a shade lighter than his sister's, gave a happy, toothless grin, his baby babble filling the air.

You chuckled at their enthusiasm. "I'll take that as a yes."

With the stroller securely in place, you began to wheel them closer to the water's edge. Goku and Goten, sensing your intentions, rejoined you, their excitement mirrored in their expressions.

You leaned down to gently cradle Gia in your arms. Her eyes were so much like Goku's, and were filled with wonder as she gazed out at the ocean. Kian, in the stroller next to her, cooed happily, his tiny hands waving in the air.

"Look, Gia and Kian," you whispered, "This is the ocean. It's vast and beautiful, just like the world you'll grow up in."

Gia made a soft gurgling sound, her fingers reaching out as if trying to touch the waves in the distance. You couldn't help but smile at her curiosity.

Their eyes widened with curiosity as they stared at the vast expanse of water before them. You gently set them down on the sand, their little feet sinking into the cool grains. They wiggled their toes, giggling as they felt the sensation for the first time.

Goku joined you, crouching down to scoop up a handful of wet sand. "Watch this, you two!"

With a playful grin, he shaped the sand into a small ball and held it out to them. Gia and Kian stared at it with fascination, their tiny hands reaching out to touch the soft mound. Kian, always the bolder of the two, tried to grab it, but it crumbled in his grip, leaving him in fits of giggles.

Gia, ever the observant one, examined the sand more carefully. She picked up a handful and let it trickle through her fingers, her eyes alight with wonder, A gentle wave washed up, the foamy edge tickling the twins' tiny feet. Gia let out a delighted squeal, her chubby toes wriggling in the sand.

Lost and Found (Goku x Female Reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن