Chapter 12

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You shifted in your sleep to feel something large holding your hand and you felt that tingle you felt anytime you were around Goku, you tried to open your eyes to be met with intense sunshine that made you squeeze your eyes shut immediately.

"Can someone get the blinds?" you let out in a very quiet cracky voice causing you to clear your throat.

You heard feet sliding against the floor before the sound of curtains could be heard and you opened your eyes easily this time to see a sleeping Goku at the end of the bed holding your hand and a concerned Vegeta at the window looking back at you.

"Thank god for your awake, this fool hasn't moved all night," Vegeta said walking over to the side of the bed

"He stayed here all night?" You asked not believing him at first

"Yeah, I had to bring him food too!" He added obviously kind of annoyed

You looked at the sleeping Goku and couldn't help but smile, a frown came across your face as you thought about Goten

"Where Goten? He didn't leave him home alone did he ?"  You asked worrying about the mini Goku

Before Vegeta could answer, two voices can be heard outside the door before they bust in loudly causing Goku to scramble to his feet in a defensive stance ready for anything and saw trunks and Goten who both exclaimed when they saw you were awake

"Y/n!" "Aunty Y/n!"

This made Goku wipe around to see you were awake, a wide smile spread across his face as he quickly scooped you into his arms before the boys could get to you hugging the crap out of you but you reciprocated enjoying it.

"I was so worried !" He let out as he held you out at arm's length inspecting you over not fully trusting Whis

"Kakarot stop smothering her! Don't make regret what I said !"Vegeta snapped at Goku not liking how he was acting

"What did you say" you raised your eyebrow at Vegeta

"I didn't say anything" he turned his head not wanting others to know what he said to Goku

You gave him a suspicious look but decided to let it go.

The rest of the morning passed slowly as Goku didn't leave your side and you didn't complain, they filled you in on what happened with Frieza and made sure you had plenty to eat. Goku had his regular appetite back and ate most of Bulma kitchen after the hunger of all the energy he used yesterday kicked in.

Whis had left after eating to go tend to Beerus and his other angelic duties, but he had told Bulma to tell you he would be back within the week maybe with Beerus if he woke up.

It was the afternoon now and you were sitting outside enjoying the sun watching as Goku played/fought with Trunks and Goten, Bulma had dragged Vegeta off somewhere so it was just the four of you right now. They were mid-match when went super and they almost ruined the whole backyard. You wouldn't let them get too crazy so you got up to try and stop them but when you got up Goku saw you, he stopped the match and transported in front of you and gave you a concerned look

"You should be resting"

"You guys are gonna ruin the yard and I know Trunks doesn't want to deal with his mother's wrath, isn't that right trunks?" You look over to see Trunks rubbing the back of his head before agreeing with you.

"So what should we do then, you need to rest," Goku said while giving you a stern look

"Why don't we go check on the dinosaurs Dad!" Goten exclaimed

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