Chapter 8

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Everyone's attention turned to the top of the cruise ship.

There stood Goku; he quickly started running down the side of the cruise ship. He jumped down and landed in front of everyone.

"Goku!" Everyone shouted, except for you and Vegeta. You had sensed him there during the fight, but you had bigger things to worry about.

"So, Saiyan, do you know how to summon this Super Saiyan god?" Beerus asked from above, recapturing everyone's attention as he made his way towards Goku.

"I have an idea, but it is gonna take a bit of time," Goku replied while giving a sheepish shrug. "We are gonna summon Shenron and ask if he can bring your Super Saiyan god thingy here," a big smile stretched across his face.

"Who is Shenron?" Both you and Beerus asked at the same time.

"He's a Namekian wish orb dragon," Piccolo chimed in.

The confusion left Beerus's face but still remained on yours.

"What is that?" You asked, turning towards Goku.

"If you collect all 7 Dragon Balls, you can make a wish for anything!" Goku exclaimed with a wide goofy smile.

"Within the dragon's power," Whis added.

As Goku summoned Shenron, he asked about the Super Saiyan god. According to Shenron, the Super Saiyan god is a Saiyan deity temporarily created by gathering six purely righteous Saiyans; therefore, he couldn't make the Super Saiyan god appear.

"Well, let's get a move on then!" Beerus growled. "Y/n, help them out since there's only five," he turned to face you.

"You were going to kill me, and you think I'm going to listen to you?" you snapped, getting mad at Beerus for demanding anything from you.

"I could still if you don't," Beerus roared back, earning wide eyes from everyone.

"Lord Beerus, sir, I'm currently pregnant. The baby would be a 1/4 Saiyan; it might still work. I could take her place if she really doesn't want to," Videl spoke up while moving to the front of the group, causing Gohan to freak out happily and earning congratulations from everyone.

"I'll do it. I don't want you to hurt yourself," you spoke, smiling at Videl. "I'm not doing this for you, Beerus," you said, making both Whis and Beerus look at you with shock. It was the first time you had actually called Beerus by his name instead of Dad.

You earned a thank you from both Gohan and Videl, and as you looked at Goku, you could see he was smiling at you, so you gave him a small smile before you, Gohan, Goten, Trunks, and Vegeta held hands as Vegeta and Gohan put their spare hands on Goku. After a few seconds, Goku began to rise up and glow; his hair started changing from his natural black to a bright red. As he landed back on the ground, everyone stared at him in shock.

"His hair is red," Trunks said with a look of shock on his face.

"He hasn't changed that much," Bulma stated.

"That form... so that's Super Saiyan god," Krillin added.

"At last, my patience is rewarded," Beerus chimed with a smirk. "Let's get this fight on, and once I win, I will destroy Earth."

"Okay, Beerus, but if I win, you will leave Earth!" Beerus agreed, and they started the battle of the gods.

Off to the side, you were standing next to Vegeta, Whis, Piccolo, and Gohan, watching as it all went down. You had noticed that Goku's ki was similar to some of the gods you had met and even some of the Kais.

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