Chapter 30

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(if we hate the names they can be changed)

As you lay in bed, the weight of the final days of pregnancy hung over you like a heavy shroud. The room was wrapped in a peaceful quiet, but beneath the surface, a current of both excitement and worry pulsed.

Beside you, Goku and Vegeta exchanged concerned glances. Goku's usually bright and cheerful expression was now shadowed by a deep concern that tugged at his features. Vegeta, the embodiment of stoicism, stood by the doorway with his arms crossed, his gaze fixed on you with a mixture of worry and a hint of frustration.

"Y/n, how are you feeling?" Goku's voice held a gentle note of worry, his eyes reflecting his genuine concern.

You managed a faint smile, though it was tinged with the discomfort you were experiencing. "I'm alright. Just waiting for these little ones to finally show up."

Vegeta pushed off from the doorway and took a step into the room, his arms crossed in his trademark stance. "They seem to be taking their sweet time, that's for sure."

You let out a laugh but it short lived as a sharp pain shot threw your back causing to wince.

Goku and Vegeta exchanged anxious glances, the weight of the impending arrival of the twins heavy on their minds. Vegeta, stood at the foot of the bed, his arms crossed and his gaze fixed on you with a mixture of worry and a hint of helplessness.

"Y/n, are you sure you're feeling alright?" Goku's voice wavered slightly, a layer of unease underlying his words.

You managed a small smile, though it was clear that the pain was wearing on you. "I'm hanging in there, but... I can't help but worry too."

Vegeta's expression darkened as he walked closer to the bed, his voice holding a rare touch of vulnerability. "It's been quite a while. We can't ignore the possibility of complications."

Another contraction rippled through your body, causing you to wince and grip the bed sheets tightly. Goku moved swiftly to your side, his voice gentle but laced with urgency. "We need to get you to Bulma's, Y/n. Right now."

You nodded through the pain, a mixture of fear and determination reflected in your eyes. "Yes, let's go."

In a flurry of activity, Goku hurried out of the room to gather the essentials while Vegeta remained by your side. His gaze remained locked on you, a mixture of concern and a genuine sense of caring radiating from him. "Stay strong. We're here with you, Y/n."


As the pain of contractions gripped your body, you clung tightly to Goku's hand for support. The journey to Bulma's house felt like an eternity, each step an agonizing reminder of the life you were about to bring into the world. Goku's concerned gaze never left your face, his brows furrowed with worry.

Inside Bulma's house, the air was charged with anticipation and a hint of tension. Bulma, bustling around with purpose, spoke in urgent yet reassuring tones. "Y/n, don't worry, we've got everything set up for you. You're in good hands."

Beside you, Vegeta's presence offered a mixture of strength and impatience. His stern expression held a rare touch of concern as he stood by your side. "You're stronger than this, Y/n. Remember that."

With a determined nod, you met Vegeta's gaze, finding solace in his words. "I know. We can do this."

As the hours passed, the room transformed into a symphony of medical professionals, each voice contributing to a chorus of instructions and concerns. Your breaths became labored, and your grip on Goku's hand tightened with each wave of pain. Goku's eyes reflected his helplessness, his fists clenching and unclenching at his sides.

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