Chapter 9

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Comment on spelling/grammar errors and I will fix

A knock on the door awoke you in the morning, you found yourself in a mess of blankets and pillows some off the side of the bed. You sat up and rubbed the sleep out of your eyes, you looked around the room remembering where you were. Another knock on the door brought you out of your thoughts, you shuffled off the bed and made your way towards the door, you opened the door as the person went to knock again and you were face to face with Bulma

"Good morning y/n! I hope you had a good sleep" Bulma said with a smile

"I did thank you, I've never had so many pillows" you both let out a laugh

"I wanted to wake you up for breakfast before Vegeta and Trunks could eat it all, well actually they're waiting downstairs because I told them if they started without you, they wouldn't get dinner"

"Oh you didn't need to do that, thank you" You gave her a quick smile and a little chuckle, you glanced down to see you were still in your attire from yesterday "Do you by chance have a change of clothes?" You asked

"Oh of course I'll be right back!" Bulma exclaimed excitedly as she ran towards where her room was. A few minutes later she came back with a much of clothes. "These are my spare clothes, take anything you like, they might be small but I can take you shopping later if need be"

"Shopping?" You tilted your head to the side confused

"Oh that settles it after breakfast, we are gonna have a girl day and take you shopping" Bulma started bouncing up and down in excitement only to be interrupted by Trunks and Vegeta yelling for her to hurry up

"Breakfast?" You asked pointing to where the kitchen was, Bulma nodded and you followed.

When you arrived into the kitchen you were met with a table full of all kinds of breakfast foods and two inpatient saiyans sitting eagerly behind.

"Finally" Trunks gasped as if he was waiting all year for this

"You guys didn't have to wait but I appreciate it" You gave them both a smile, Vegeta just started eating but not before giving you a nod

You all sat and enjoyed breakfast, Trunks was telling stories about Earth and Bulma was talking about all the different stuff she wanted to show you in the city. Vegeta just sat there looking annoyed at all the bickering, you couldn't blame him you liked the quiet yourself, they were doing a lot more talking than you were used to.

Near the end of breakfast, you and Trunks were talking about the abilities you know how to do and he asked if you could show him. You looked to Bulma to see if it was okay to see her also kind of interested in it, you turned to see what Vegeta thought to see he was already getting up and putting his plate away, you gave him a questionable look with your eyebrow up

"Let's go, I too want to see what you can do" A smirk spread across his lips as he turned and headed to the back door, Trunks waited no time in following him.

Bulma turned to you "Head out I'll clean up and be out in a minute" You nodded your head and headed outside

As you got outside you saw trunks sitting off to the side while Vegeta stood there waiting for you

"Let's start with a spar, yesterday you held your own decently well" You knew what Vegeta was talking about so there was no need to clear it up. You nodded your head and got into your fighting stance

"I can hold my own and I just got distracted yesterday" You shot a glare at Trunks, and he just gave you a sheepish shrug, Bulma had arrived outside and she took a place beside Trunks

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