Chapter 19

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Shorter Chapter
not my image just thought it was cute

You were spending the day with Bulma, and both Goku and Vegeta had gone to Beerus's world for some extra training, you stayed back as you wanted to train by yourself. Mostly because you wanted to work on meditating and Vegeta and Goku always argued with each other. It was mostly Vegeta disagreeing with everything Goku was saying and it was quite distracting.

It was one of your dedicated off days and Bulma called the previous night and is working on a new vehicle for capsule corp, she needed an assistant for the day and you offered as you were just gonna be staying home with Goten.

When you arrived at Bulma's, Goten ran off with Trunks almost immediately, Trunks had mentioned something about a new toy, and before you could say anything they had already taken off You found their friendships quite adorable as they would do almost everything and anything together, they were quite the troublemakers.

You stared at where they ran for a second before turning to go and find Bulma, you passed a couple of rooms before you got to the tech lab. Opening the door you saw the room was covered in scatters objects, you took a few steps around the objects and spotted her underneath some vehicle that was in the middle of the room.

"Hey Bulma!" you greeted walking up to the vehicle

This surprised her causing her to jerk her head up and bump it into the vehicle

'Ahh shit"

"Oh my" you rushed over to help her "I'm so sorry Bulma I should have called telling you I was on my way"

"No no it's fine it's nothing, this is nothing thanks to living with you saiyans" she laughed making you feel better.

The two of you chatted for a bit before getting started on the work she need help with, you two worked on the project for a couple of hours and she was trying to get the last bolt to come off when she struck up a conversation.

"So y/n have you and Goku talked about of getting married or having kids?" Bulma asked as you handed her the wrench 

"No, we haven't, I mean I'm not entirely sure how to go about that" you replied not making eye contact

"Like talk about it?" Bulma asked finishing the job and standing up

"Both, neither of my dads would tell me anything about babies so I just stopped asking after the 200th no and marriage was just never brought up"

Bulma fell over

"So you have no idea how babies are made or what marriage is?" she asked

"No, it can't be that hard can it?" you asked raising an eyebrow

Bulma laughed awkwardly before going on to explain marriage and then how babies were made. A pit formed in your stomach as she explained exactly what you and Goku had been doing with each other in the alone time you two got since you moved in with him.

When Bulma finished explaining she looked over to see the conflicted expression on your face as she waited for a response.

"what's the matter y/n?" She asked and put a hand on your shoulder when she didn't get an answer

"I um well" you started thinking of a way to explain "we have been doing that quite a lot" You let out a short laugh and scratched the back of your neck as you looked at the ground

"Really? That's exciting well I mean if I don't think about it" she paused making a disgruntled face "we can do a test if you want?" She asked forgetting what she just imagined and gave you a smile " And even if you are this is exciting!" her smile widened as she bounced up and down in excitement

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