Chapter 21

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Goku stood across from Black eyes locked as the situation blossomed.

"This is freaky it's like looking in a mirror" Goku laughed as he looked at the man in front of him

"So you're in this timeline too it seems" Black smirked thinking back to how he got his body

"I don't know what you're talking about, but you won't be able to do anything here" Goku declared getting serious

"That is left to be determined, do you Son Goku dare to take the challenge"

Goku looked down upon his family and friends, his eyes landed on you, and the thought of you getting dragged into the fight crossed his mind, for some reason he was feeling an even greater push from inside him to make sure you were protected.

"Let us take this somewhere else, somewhere where we can fight full out"

"If you believe it will help you, lead the way" Black grinned

Goku took off towards the wastelands with black in tow, F Trunks looked at his Father who nodded and the two of them took off after to follow. You, Piccolo, and Krillin who had arrived after Black first exited the portal took off with you to follow the group. The remaining few at the capsule corp made their way beside Whis as he used his staff to project the current scene.

When you three got there you were met with Goku and Black already fighting and Vegeta and F Trunks watching from the ground a little distance away, You, Piccolo, and Krillin took a spot beside the two that were watching. Vegeta let out a grunt acknowledging that they were there and F Trunks took the effort to nod at you guys not wanting to take his attention from the fight for too long.

The two exchanged blow for blow, neither giving it their all, both with the same fighting strategy. Goku landed a harsh blow on Black sending him hurtling to the ground, a dust cloud emerged around the area, and F Trunks had taken and held a breath hoping Black wouldn't get back up but none the less as the smoke cloud started to clear an unscathed black stood in the middle wiping dust off himself.

He shot back up throwing himself back at Goku, Black threw a punch followed by Goku returning the favor, they continued like that for a while both power matching each other but with a little more force than before.

Everyone watching the fight below couldn't help but be nervous, you knew that Goku wasn't in his final form so he was still holding back, but it looked as if Black was matching everything he was throwing at him.

"Why isn't he using the form he used against me?" F Trunks asked in disbelief

"Blame Kakarot's habit of not going full out from the beginning" Vegeta scuffed not removing his eyes from the fight

A bit of anger flowed through F Trunks as he wanted Black to be beaten as soon as possible but he was trying to push it away as there wasn't much he could do. You looked over to see the conflicted expression washing over him and you put your hand on his shoulder and gave it a squeeze.

you shared a look before putting your attention back into the fight, Goku and Black both punched each other and it looked as if they were equal in strength, They both stopped for a second and Black used the break to power up, he had black and purple waves emitting around his body as he finished, he admired himself and laugh escaped his mouth.

"MHahaha this body impresses me more each day, get ready to face the WRATH OF A GOD!" Black charged at Goku unleashing his power into every attack

Goku being no newbie to fighting saw that even with his power flowing greater than what super saiyan two could manifest, he was leaving himself open in many places, Goku blinked out of sight as the attack was about to land, reappearing behind him and slamming him into the ground with an over the head downwards volley.

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