Chapter 64 Never Meet Your Heroes

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It was December, and Kate went to the rooftop of her college while her friends, Greer and Franny watched from below.

Geer: Kate, be careful. If we get caught, you're definitely gonna be kicked off the archery team.

Kate: Yeah, I know. But a bet's a bet, Greer. Okay, so the real question. Does the bell swing back and forth, or the dangly thingy swing back and forth?

Geer: It's obviously the bell.

Kate: See? I would disagree. I think it's the dangly thingy.

Geer: Nice outfit by the way, Kate.

Kate: Yeah, well, sometimes, you gotta dress the part.

Geer: I know it's a bet, but are you sure that arrow won't damage it?

Kate: No.

Kate used her own bow and arrow that has a tennis ball at the end, and she hit the bell itself, causing only a dull thump.

Franny: Well, that was a bit of a letdown.

Kate: Okay, you know what, just hang on. Hang on. Let me just fix this. Give me a second.

She tried again, this time aiming for the rope on the inside, successfully ringing the bell.

Kate: Oh, my God! That was amazing! Wow!

Franny: Nice, Kate.

They then hear a large metal groaning.

Kate: That's fine.

It then creaks.

Kate: Right? I mean, it gives it character. All famous bells have cracks in them.

The bell breaks.

Kate: All right, that's, uh, that's not great. But it could be worse.

The bell then caused the whole tower to break.

Kate: This is bad.

A campus security guard then finds her.

Male Guard: Hold it!

Her friends fled the scene, leaving her to face the guard. Kate, who is now on Christmas break, returned to visit her mother at her house.

Eleanor: Hi, sweetie.

Kate: Hi, Mom.

Eleanor: There you are.

Kate sees her mom in a dress.

Kate: Oh, you look amazing. What are we looking all fancy for?

Eleanor: Charity auction.

Kate: Ugh.

Eleanor: I know, right? All those poor people and nonprofits relying on the more fortunate.

Kate: That is not what I meant.

Eleanor: As much as I love having you home for the holidays, I'm not thrilled that I'm about to replace an irreplaceable clock tower.

Kate: It was a bell tower.

Eleanor: The Dean said it had a bell and a clock, and overachiever that you are, you managed to destroy both.

Kate: What can I do to make it better, Mom?

Eleanor: I started by cancelling your credit cards, and we're going to have a much longer talk about this tower that you destroyed, without joking. I know young people think they're invincible, and rich people think they're invincible and you've always been both. So, take it from someone who hasn't, you're not. You will get hurt. So please, don't go out looking for it.

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