Chapter 23 Team Cap Vs Team Iron Man

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I arrived back at the Avenger compound, and I knew Vision was with her, so I set up C4's around the forest and I snuck in, and I saw Wanda and Vision. I activated the C4's and Vision left to see what was happening. I got out of cover and went to Wanda.

"Hey, love."

Wanda: What you doing here?

"Cap needs us. Come on."

I was about to go but Wanda was not moving.

"What's wrong?"

Wanda: I've caused enough problems.

"Okay, look, Wanda... I know but you make up for it by helping me and Cap out."

I then saw Vision come back into the room.

Vision: Y/N, you should not be here.

"Oh, really, why's that? I'm helping Cap clear Bucky's name so if you could kindly let me take her-"

Vision: I'm sorry but I can't. I have orders from Stark to keep her here.

"...Daddy's boy."

I then pulled out my pistols and fired at Vision, but it did nothing and he grabbed me.

Vision: You can't overpower me, Y/N.

"I know... but she can."

Wanda: Vision, that's enough. Let him go. I'm leaving.

Vision: I can't let you.

Wanda then holds her hands apart, glowing with energy and I fade through Vision.

Vision: If you do this... they will never stop being afraid of you.

Vision begins to get more and more heavy.

Wanda: I can't control their fear, only my own.

Wanda then sends Vision crashing through the floor, and several floors beneath.

"You, okay?"

Wanda: I'm fine. Come on.

Me and Wanda went off to meet Steve. I met up with Cap, A person named Scott Lang, Sam, and Bucky. Clint and Wanda went off and I put on my outfit and my helmet. We then drove to the airport. Me and Cap ran to a helicopter but an electro-disabler slammed onto the chopper. We then see Tony and Rhodey land with their armor.

Tony: Wow, it's so weird how you run into people at the airport. Don't you think that's weird?

"Tony let us pass Bucky's being framed."

Tony: Sorry Outlaw no can do.

I then see T'Challa leap over a truck in his Black Panther suit.

T'Challa: Captain. Red Hood.

Cap: Your highness.

"Prince T'Challa."

Tony: Anyway, Ross gave me 36 hours to bring you two in. That was 24 hours ago. Can you help a brother out?

Steve: You're after the wrong guy.

Tony: Your judgment is askew. Your old war buddy killed innocent people yesterday

"Tony for God sakes! Use your brain for once! Bucky is innocent in all this! There are five others super soldiers just like Bucky. If they are released, we will have five more super soldiers to fight."

Natasha: Y/N, Steve. You two know what's about to happen. Do you really wanna punch your way out of this one?

"You know Nat... Of all people... I thought you would understand."

The Neglected Avenger (Male Reader) (Red Hood)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum