Chapter 51 The New Captain America

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Kang: So, will you help me?

Y/N looks at the floor and then at him.

Y/N: I will.

Kang smiles and he walks towards Y/N and touches his shoulder.

Kang: Good there is so much to be done but for now I want you to keep a low profile and do not mention this to anyone. Act like this meeting never took place.

Y/N nods and Kang opens a portal.

Kang: I will let you know when everything is ready but for now, I need you to collect these things for me.

Kang hands Y/N a paper and he read it.

'Super Soldier Serum

Book of Vishanti'

Y/N looks at Kang and he nods, and Kang gives him a wristband with his design.

Y/N: What's this for?

Kang: When you get the thing on the list just press that button and it will send you to me.

Y/N nods and he then walks through the portal, and it closes behind him.

A Few Months Later...


It's been a few months since my encounter with Kang. I heard what happened to Steve and how he was retired and Sam turned over the shield to government officials. I was in a apartment watching TV trying to see what changed in the world after I was dead for a few weeks. I then turn to the news.

Man: Unrest, in the wake of recent events has left us vulnerable. Every day Americans feel it. While we love heroes who put their lives on the line to defend Earth, we also need a hero to defend this country. We need a real person who embodies America's greatest values. We need someone to inspire us again, someone who can be a symbol for all of us. So, on behalf of the Department of Defense and our Commander-in-chief, it is with great honor that we announce here today that the United States of America has a new hero.

I sat there drinking a cup of water.

"I wonder who it is."

Man: Join me in welcoming your new Captain Ameirca.

I spit out my water and it hit the TV screen as I see the new Captain America.

"What the!? Sam... Oh no. I need to talk with him."

I drove to the airport and I brought a ticket to Munich since I got a tip that Sam will be there. While on the palne the Captain America John Walker was being interviewed.

TV Reporter: Thank you so much for coming. This has gotta be fun, though, coming back to your high school after so much as changed?

Walker: Oh, it's great. We're... Oh! Yeah.

TV Reporter: John, I think the first thing everyone wants to know is what is it like being Captain America? Do eagles fly overhead wherever you go?

Walker: Uh, yes. Yeah, that and flags tend to start magically waving in the wind.

TV Reporter: And how's the tour been? I know they did a big rollout for you, right?

Walker: It's the greatest honor of my life. Um, but I'm just a little shocked, I think. How did a guy like me end up here?

TV Reporter: Oh, wait, wait, wait. "A guy like me"? Somebody's being a bit too humble. For those of you who aren't familiar with his resume, "John Walker, first person in American history to receive three Medals of Honor, ran RS-One missions in counterterrorism and hostage rescue." The government did a study of your body at MIT, and you tested off the charts in every measurable category. Speed, endurance, intelligence-

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