What If... Thanos Didn't Destroy The Stones

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3rd POV:

Y/N and the remaining Avengers captured Thanos only to see the stones were not in the gauntlet.

Y/N: Where are the stones!

Carol: Answer the question!

Thanos: The universe required correction. After that, the stones served no purpose, beyond temptation.

Bruce: You murdered trillions!

Bruce pushes Thanos to the ground and Thanos looks up at them.

Thanos: You should be grateful.

Y/N brings out his pistol and he pistol whipped him in the face.

Natasha: Where are the Stones?

Thanos: Gone. Reduced to atoms.

Bruce: You used them two days ago!

Thanos: I used the stones to destroy the stones. It nearly killed me. But the work is done. It always will be. I am... inevitable.

Rhodey: We have to tear this place apart, he-he-he has to be lying.

Nebula: My father has many things. A liar is not one of them.

Thanos: Ah, thank you, daughter. Perhaps I treated you too harshly.

Thor then cuts Thanos' head off. Everyone looks shocked except Y/N.

Rocket: What... What did you do?

Thor: I went for the head.

Y/N went up to Thanos' body and he unloaded an entire clip into his body.

"Good riddance."

Thor and Y/N are about to walk out when they hear,

Thanos: You sure learned your lesson, Asgardian. I thought when I finished the job that you'll accept the outcome. Despite the toll.

That's when Thanos' body fades away in red and Y/N brings out his pistols.

Thor: Thanos! Show yourself!

Thanos: As long as you Avengers are alive... My work is at risk.

Rhodey: Guys, what the hell is he saying? What's happening?

Thanos: I am sorry for this.

Thor: You will be sorry when you come out you coward!

Everyone looks around trying to find Thanos until the house explodes and they get up only to see Steve, Natasha, and Nebula dead.

Y/N: NO!!!

Bruce who is in the Hulkbuster armor gets up.

Bruce: Guys, we need to-

That's when the Hulkbuster suit gets cut in half.

Rhodey: Oh my God... No, no, no, no, no. no this is not happeneing.

Suddenly footsteps are heard behind Rhodey and he turns are fire only for him to get stabbed in the gut from behind. He falls down dead. Y/N, Carol, and Thor look at each other. They see Hulk come out of the Hulkbuster armor.

Thanos: Huh, you again... It seems you haven't learned your lesson yet.

Hulk looks at his hands and it turns to stone and eventually Hulk is fully stoned, and he explodes into a million pieces.

Carol: ENOUGH!

Carol uses her powers to find Thanos, but it backfires, and her hands are turned towards her head and her powers attack her head and she screams in pain and her head explodes.

Thanos: I'm sorry it had to be this way.

Thor and Y/N see Thanos and Thor throws stormbreaker and it goes through Thanos, and it went straight towards Thor's chest. Y/N looks around and he sees Thanos behind him, and Thanos grabs him by the neck.

Thanos: But you left me no choice.

Thanos then snaps Y/N's neck and tosses him aside and his body lies next to Natasha's. Thanos walks up to Thor, and he picks him up.

Thanos: You've been through so much, Asgardian. It's time for you to get some rest.

Thanos opens a portal, and he throws Thor into it with stormbreaker still in his chest and he lands in a freezing wasteland, and he bleeds to death... Thanos then uses the reality stone to make a perfect world and he snaps his fingers, and the stones are destroyed......

The dusted cannot come back.

A/N: This will be my first of many of What If... Tell me what you think and if I should make a separate book for this. If you have any What If ideas. Leave them in the comments and I will pick the most creative and unique ones. For now, I want you all to vote on which What If I should make next...

What If... The other half got dusted?

What If... Y/N and Natasha went to Vormir?

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