Chapter 11 The Winter Solider Revealed

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Steve and Natasha had to leave considering they were on the run. I was heading back to my apartment when Steve called me again and told me of a plan. I agreed and I went to the meeting point. I was wearing my helmet and I was waiting, and I saw Jasper Sitwell get thrown on the roof by Steve and Natasha.

Steve: Tell me about Zola's algorithm.

Jasper: Never heard of it.

Steve: What were you doing on the Lemurian Star?

Jasper: I was throwing up, I got seasick.

Steve then forces Sitwell to the edge of the rooftop, Sitwell just smiles and ask,

Steve: You're right. It's not. It's his.

I smiled and I grabbed Jasper, and I hung him over the building.

"Enjoy your flight."

I then dropped him off the roof.

Natasha: Oh, wait. What about that girl from accounting, Laura...?

Steve: Lillian. Lip piercing, right?

Natasha: Yeah, she's cute.

Steve: Yeah, I'm not ready for that.

"Why not?"

I then see Steve's friend in his Falcon jet-pack suit with wings, flies up holding Sitwell and throws him down on the roof. I picked him up and held him over the edge again.

"You wanna go for another trip?"

Jasper: Zola's algorithm is a program...for choosing Insight's targets!

Steve: What targets?

Jasper: You! A TV anchor in Cairo, the Undersecretary of Defense, a high school valedictorian in Iowa city. Bruce Banner, Stephen Strange, anyone who's a threat to HYDRA! Now, or in the future.

Steve: The Future? How could it know?

Jasper: How could it not? The 21st century is a digital book. Zola taught HYDRA how to read it.

We looked confused and Jasper continued.

Jasper: Your bank records, medical histories, voting patterns, e-mails, phone calls, your damn SAT scores. Zola's algorithm evaluates people's past to predict their future.

"What then?"

Jasper: Oh, my God. Pierce is gonna kill me.

"What then!? Answer the question or I'll give a painful death then Pierce will!"

Jasper: Then the Insight Helicarriers scratch people off the list. A few million at a time.

Sam took Steve, Natasha, and Jasper into a car and I followed them on my motorcycle. We were driving when I saw the Winter Solider land on the car. I then see him pull Sitwell out through the window and throws him into the oncoming traffic, killing him. I sped up and he turned and tried to shoot my tires, but it was bulletproof, and I was speeding fast as I dodged his bullets. That's when the car came to a fast halt and the Winter Soldier drop down onto the street, I see another car smashes into the trio's car and pushes them along, the Winter Soldier jumps back onto their car, smashes through the windscreen and pulls out the steering wheel. I see Steve, Nat, and Sam get out of the car. I drive and I jump off my bike and I pull out my two pistols as the Winter Soldier is joined by HYDRA agents and they start shooting at them, the three scatter and run off in different directions with the Winter Soldier shooting at Natasha. I fired at the Winter Solider and he sees me and tries to shoot me, but I take cover.

The Winter Solider: Er ist mein (He's mine).

The Winter Solider fires at me while the HYDRA agents go after Steve, Natasha, and Sam. I bring out two smoke bombs and I toss it at his feet. He looks and the bombs go off and I get out of cover, and I attack him. I use the smoke to my advantage, and I attack him over and over. The smoke eventually disappears, and he sees me, and he grabs me by the neck, and he throws me over the overpass. I land on a car and the Winter Solider drops down and I get up as he tries to punch me. I dodged his punches, and I was about to punch him in the face when he grabbed my hand and twisted my arm. Before he could break it, I kicked him in the chest. He let's go and he pulls out his knife and tries to stab me. I block his attacks as he tries to stab me in the helmet, but I blocked it with my forearm, and I pull out my knife and I stab him in the leg and I headbutt him. He gets out and pulls the knife out of his leg. I then pulled out a batarang and I threw it at him, but he caught it just like what he did with Cap's shield.

Winter Solider: Du kannst mich nicht schlagen (You can't hit me).

I smiled under my mask, and I say,

"Wasn't trying to~"

He looks at the batarang and he realizes it is an explosive. Before he can do anything, it explodes in his metal arm, and it knocks him to the ground. I pulled out my two pistols and I ran up to him as he got up and I jumped over him as I fired at him, and he blocked it with his metal arm. I continued to fire at him as he blocked my shots. I put away my two pistols and I punched him in the face, but he grabbed me and threw me to the ground. I got as the Winter Solider walked towards me. I was getting ready to fight when I saw Steve come running up behind the Winter Solider. The Winter Solider was about to attack me.

"Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.... Now Cap!"

Steve throws his shield at the Winter Solider and they both get into a fight. I go up and aid Steve. I punched the Winter Solider who was about to punch me when Steve managed to stop his arm, and threw him away, the latter's mask falling off in the process. He got up and we saw his true face.

Steve: Bucky?


Bucky: Who the hell is Bucky?

As Bucky aims his pistol at us, Sam flies in and kicks Bucky aside. Bucky has a brief look of realization, but he quickly brushes it aside, and takes aim again, but before he can shoot us Natasha using the grenade launcher, he dropped against him. I went into the smoke, but I saw him gone. That's when we are surrounded by HYDRA agents led by Rumlow.

Rumlow: Drop the shield, Cap! On your knees! Get on your knees! Now! Get down! Get down!

Steve, Natasha, and Sam all surrendered. I then saw a helicopter flying over us. Hydra agents surround me all aiming their guns at me. I raise my hands, but I quickly lower one of my arms and I pull out a smokescreen bomb and throw it on the ground. I then escape the scene as Steve, Natasha and Sam are taken in. I start to follow the vehicles that has my friends and I follow them until I throw a bomb and it blows up one of the vehicles and it blocks the other vehicles from going. The vehicle comes to a halt and a HYDRA agent comes out. I throw a flashbang and it blinds the HYDRA agents and I jump off the roof and I start to kill the agents. Some of them started to fire at me but I killed them before they could hit me. I threw my knife at one of the agent's heads. I then fired a bullet at an agent's leg, and I fired a bullet into his head. I see Rumlow get out, but I throw a batarang at his knee and I knock him out. I go to the back, and I open the doors and I see my friends. Before one of the HYDRA agents could do something, the other guards pull out an electric rod and neutralizes the other guard and knocks him out. The person took off his helmet and it was Maria Hill.

Maria: Ah. That thing was squeezing my brain.

She turns to Sam and ask,

Maria: Who's this guy?

"A friend of ours. Are you all okay?"

Steve: We're fine.

Maria: Come on, I know where we need to go. 

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