Chapter 52 The Super Solider

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We redirected the plane to Baltimore, Maryland and when we landed went to Bucky's friend's house.

Kid: Hey, it's Black Falcon. What's up?

Sam: It's just Falcon, kid.

Kid: No, no. My daddy told me it's Black Falcon.

Sam: Is it because I'm black and I'm the Falcon?

Kid: Well, technically, I mean, yes.

"That will be racist if he was white."

Sam: So, are you, like, black kid?

Sam chuckles.

Sam: I got him, right?

Kid: Whatever, man.

We then went up to the house and Bucky knocked on the door and when it opened a teenager came out.

Bucky: We're here to see Isaiah.

Teenager: Nobody named Isaiah lives here.

Bucky: Look, we just wanna talk to him.

Teenager: You must not hear what I just said. You ain't getting in this house. Y'all can leave now.

Bucky: Tell him the guy from the bar in Goyang is here. He's gonna know what that means.

Teenager: All right, wait here.

"He's a nice kid. How do you know the person we're gonna speak to?"

Bucky: I used to. We had skirmish during the Korean War.

The door opens and he lets us in.

Teenager: Today's your lucky day. He said he wanna see for himself.

We enter and see a man.

Bucky: Isaiah?

Isaiah: Look at you.

Bucky: This is, uh, Sam and Y/N. Sam, Y/N, this is Isaiah. He was a hero. One of the ones that HYDRA feared the most. Like Steve. We met in '51.

Isaiah: if by met, you mean I whupped your ass, then, yeah. We heard whispers he was on the peninsula, but everyone they sent after him never came back. So, the U.S. military dropped me behind the line to go deal with him. I took half that metal arm in that fight in Goyang, but I see you managed to grow it back. I just wanted to see if he got the arm back. Or if he'd come to kill me.

Bucky: I'm not a killer anymore.

Isaiah: You think you can wake up one day and decide who you wanna be? It doesn't work like that. Well, maybe it does for folks like you.

Bucky: Isaiah. The reason we're here is because there's more of you and me out there.

Isaiah: You and me.

Bucky: And we need to know how.

Isaiah: I'm not gonna talk about it anymore.

He grabbed an object and threw it against a wall, and it stuck... He's a Super Solider.

Isaiah: You know what they did to me for being a hero? They put my ass in jail for 30 years. People running tests, taking my blood, coming into my cell. Even your people weren't done with me.

Sam: Isaiah-

Isaiah: Get out of my house!

"That's enough Sam. Come on."

We left the house, and we walked down the street.

Bucky: Sam-

Sam: Why didn't you tell me about Isaiah? How could nobody bring him up?

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