The Return of Lost Island

Start from the beginning

"Can't we just send it back?" Zoro asked.

"Don't be stupid! I'll turn the ship about; you guys work the rear sail!" Nami ordered.

As the Battle raged on, Usopp knocked out a ship with the cannon.

"Nows our chance!" Nami said getting everyone's attention. "Let's act quickly and cut some links to open a path!"

"Right Nami-san!" Sanji said.

"Luffy!" Zoro said.

"Okay! Gum-Gum... Bridge!" Luffy shouted. Extending his arm out to one of the marine ships, he latched on.

"Sorry guys, but I'm going to be the first one over there." Yukiko laughed, as she sped off with Pachi on her head. Thanking herself for walking on those wooden planks in Unova as practice.

"Ahhh! You cheater!" Luffy whined, hopping from one foot to the other, the motion making his arm sway almost throwing Yukiko into the sea if Blaise didn't catch her and Pachi.

"Watch it!" He snarled back at the captain regaining his balance and making it onto the marine ships safely.

"Stop complaining and keep your arm steady!" Zoro told him, following her. One after another they all ran across Luffy's arm until they were on the enemy ship.

"Grandpa Ryu, we'll be back!" Luffy called letting his outstretched hand contract back flinging him across the sea as soon as everyone was across.  Zoro froze and half a second later Luffy smashed right into him they both flew backwards. The unlucky Zoro took the full brunt of the crash as his back collided with the wall of the ship.

"-Sorry, Zoro." Luffy said smiling. As he propped himself up using Zoro's legs.

"-Why, you..." Zoro growled.

"Hey Zoro, Do you think you can cut these chains Zoro?" Yukiko asked.

"-There's nothing in this world, I can't cut!" Was Zoro's confidant reply.

"Really? Then they're all yours." Luffy told him.

Zoro cut on of the chains from the ship he could hear Usopp in the background making a racket. "ZORO! LOOK OUT!" Yukiko shouted as she punched a marine and Pachi knocked out another with a Thunder when a marine came out of nowhere and attacked Zoro. He dodged the swing and defeated the marine but a dozen or so more appeared in the fallen marines wake.

Zoro turned to her. "Finish cutting the chains, we don't have time to waste on these fools. I'll handle them!" He shouted ducking and slashing with his swords.

"Okay! Hielias, Overheat! Pachi, Iron Tail!"

"Flame, Taloooooooon!" The fire bird created a flame so hot on the chains the durability weakened and Pachi took them out with ease.

"So cool!" Luffy shouted with stars in his eyes.

"Not bad." Zoro praised.

"Take aim!" Shouted a marine from the ship opposite to the ship they were on. Yukiko's head snapped to the right to see eight marines with guns and a cannon aimed at her. "FIRE!"


"Rubius, Protect!" Then Rubius appeared as he created a large green wall that blocked off the guns and cannon.



"The attack didn't effect the sea king!" The marines floundered and Yukiko used this opportunity.

"Alright, Rubius, Blizzard! Blaise, Fire Blast! Pachi, Thunderbolt once more!"

The three Pokémon smirked as they launched a barrage of attacks making the marine soldiers scramble.

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