To the Summit of Lost Island

Start from the beginning

"We'll find it, defiantly!" Yukiko said.

At that cue, Blaise and Hielias returned. And spoke making Apis smile.

"They said they found an Island not too far from here. They said it looks deserted but it has ancient markings there!" She said. Then they said something else.
"No wonder! It's surrounded by a fierce storm! It could be why no one found the island."

The Going Merry was eventually docked at the sinking island. "Whoa! Check it out doesn't that look like a dragon?!" Usopp exclaimed pointing to some ruins half submerged in the sea.

"Wow! Dragons sure are skillful!" Luffy said in awe.

"You idiot! It was obviously humans who made these buildings!" Sanji barked.

"Why would you even think a dragon could do this. They don't even have hands!" Zoro bluntly said.

"Dragons in my world does." Yukiko smiled.

"Yours just defies logic!" Usopp yelled.

"We made it to Lost Island!" Luffy exclaimed.

However, Yukiko had a feeling. This island had signs of civilisation meaning the island was inhabited by humans not dragons.

They all got off the ship. Zoro and Mewtwo bringing the Ryu mobile on to dry land. "But does anyone even live here any more?" Sanji wondered out loud.

"Hey!" Apis exclaimed. "Grandpa Ryu! I'm talking to you, Grandpa Ryu! Sheesh! We're at the dragons nest island now! Come on, wake up!" She ordered.

Ryu opened his half lidded eyes and realised then again. "What did he say?" Luffy asked.

"He says he's not sure... He says this might not be Lost Island..."

"You can't be serious!" Zoro said shocked.

"We went all the way through that stormy sea just to get here! Usopp complained.

"Before we start making hasty decisions, let's look around the island since we're already here." Yukiko said as Blaise came back from locating a mountain.

"There's defiantly something on this island." She stated firmly. "Blaise said he found something here that could lead us to the real Lost Island."

"Apis, look at the top there!" Luffy pointed to the highest point of the island. "We could look down at the whole island from up there!"

"Yukiko is right! Getting frustrated won't get us anywhere. We should check it out." Nami sighed.

"-Let's go have a look!"

"-Okay!" Apis replied.

"Alright let's go!"

Slowly the group of seven plus one dragon tracked up the zigzagging path that led them up to the top of the island.

"Stupid Nami makes the men do all the work..." Usopp complained as he pushed the cart. "It's like, 'Try pushing it yourself!' " He mumbled to himself.

They were now off the woodland dirt paths and onto the man made roads, getting closer and closer to the summit of the island. They came upon an area that had aged and crumbled houses on their way up and stopped in order to look at what bother time and people forgot.

"It's a city..." Nami said as they started to move once more.

"Wow! Everything is broken everywhere!" Luffy said. Looking around and the crumbling buildings that had been reclaimed by nature, no one had lived here in a long time. "Did people really used to live here?"

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