🧡japan gets isekai'd🧡

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whOOOO i m writing stuff

i had this idea while i was straightening my hai r

possible content warnings: idk she gets hit by a truck
thats kinda it

this is partially based on a webtoon i used to read and stereotypes ive seen in other webtoons where the mc gets isekai'd lol


Japan shut her door behind her and opened her umbrella, entirely not ready to start her day.

She had to get ready for an ASEAN meeting after her alarm had malfunctioned, only leaving her around 5 minutes before she had to get going.

It had already been a hard enough week, between her (extremely rich, ceo) boyfriend of 2 weeks cheating on her with her childhood best friend, and her elderly cat contracting ringworm. She just wanted it to be over already. 
Japan didn't have any more tears to cry.

(so im pickin it up, pickin it up, im lovin, im livin, im pickin it up)

With a heavy heart, she walked down the street towards the bus stop. It was so early in the morning that it was still dark, droplets of rain running off of her umbrella and splashing onto the ground below.

It seemed the weather felt just like her.
Um.. wet? Wait- no, sad. Really, super sad.

Her boots hit the asphalt, the white lines of a crosswalk in her vision.

In hindsight, maybe she should've been looking up.

A blaring white light was suddenly in the corner of Japan's vision. Quickly looking up, her eyes widened as she saw a truck. She made an attempt to jump away, but she felt frozen. She could only stare as it came closer..

and closer...

and closer..



(peak pain description am i right)

The truck launched her into orbit.. 

Then everything faded into black. 

Did it hurt?
Hell yeah, what kind of question is that?? She got hit by a truck, would that not hurt?? 

But the pain faded away as she began to.. open her eyes? She heard someone speaking to her, they sounded feminine.

"..princess.... princess?.." The voice said. Japan wasn't entirely sure if they were whispering, or if her hearing still hadn't completely come back.

"PRINCESS!!" Japan jumped up, eyes darting around the room before landing on a figure in front of her. Nope, her hearing was just fine. The silver lining of having her ear screamed into, she guessed.

The country in front of her was..



"..Phil?" She asked, her confusion becoming more apparent as the Phillipines-looking figure spoke.

"Phil? Who's Phil? Are you-" She gasped, screaming, "ANA!!"
A person with long, red hair who had America's flag ran into the room, looking worried before she saw them. 

"Oh thank the Sun, the princess is alive! Penny, is she okay?" She asked, scrambling to the side of the.. very fancy looking bed. Japan hadn't noticed before, but it looked like something that a royal would sleep in. 


Combining the power of her 4 braincells, she stared off into the distance while she thought.

The countries calling her "Princess"...

The fancy looking bed..

The- okay, okay, she got it by now.

She was isekai'd. 
Japan never thought it'd happen to her. She never believed herself to be lucky enough to, by chance, get hit by a truck and transported to a fantasy world where she just so happened to be royalty..

But here she is.

As she snapped herself back into reality, it seemed like both of the countries had discussed as they looked at her.

"Princess.." 'Ana' asked tentatively, looking slightly nervous. "..What do you remember?"

"Uhm." Japan thought for a moment. She wasn't sure why she did, because this wasn't her body, and she had none of its memories. Then, she shook her head "no".

"Hm.." The two countries huddled together for a moment, whispering to eachother before turning back to her.

Then, 'Penny' spoke. "Would you like us to call the Queen?"

"Uh- no." Japan blurted before she could think. While she did want to see a queen in the flesh, she had a feeling that the meeting would not go well. She did know what she should do, though.

"Actually, can you two do something for me? Could you bring me.." The two countries looked eager to help, waiting for her to voice her order. It felt.. kinda nice to have somebody actually want to hear what you have to say.

"..A mirror?"


this is so stupid

i love it

also this is somewhat kinda loosely based on this one webtoon where theres a supa hairy princess i think i dont remember that well cus its been a min since i read it lol

hmm to part two, or not to part two..

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