💛America + Family💛

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okay so how my break went (skip if ya want):

i. feel. amazing.
genuinely i didnt know how much i needed that but OH MY GOD
i was feeling so not stressed during the break aaaand that was awesome. if ur ever writing your own book TAKE BREAKS!! i cannot stress that enough because burnout is a very real thing lol. im honestly doing great
soooo yeah

anyways thats how my break went
TL;DR: im doin good

heres the promised america chapter 🦅🦅

for some context: america is 23 (but actually 246), canada is 20, australia is 10, and new zealand is 8-9

i may or may not have made new zealand an ipad kid 🥲

enjoye the fun wholesome family fluff <3

America grinned as he set up the last firework, sticking it in the ground of his backyard. He took a step back and admired his work, excitement bubbling up in his stomach. It was only four, and the party was at six, but he didn't care. It was his 246th birthday, and he had been waiting for it all year. The reason?

..Well, there was no reason in particular. It was just his birthday, which in and of itself, was super exciting.
He couldn't wait.

He was about to go get the food from inside before he felt his phone buzzing in his pocket. Taking it out, he quickly accepted the call when he saw who it was.



America jumped at the sudden screaming from multiple voices over the phone before he smiled. "Thanks, guys! Are you on your way?"

"Yeah, we're almost there! Ame, I even got you a gift!!" He heard his younger brother Australia yell straight into the microphone of Canada's phone. "But I got him a better one!!" New Zealand, his younger sister, quickly shouted.

"Shut up, Kiwi! We both know that mine is far superior-"

"What would Ame even do with that big of a spide-"

A loud 'shhh' -ing sound could be heard over the phone, and it was clear that Australia had snatched the phone from Canada and covered the microphone. After a few seconds of faint arguing, he spoke again.

"Are- are you guys okay?" America asked, laughing softly to himself.

"No." He heard his mom, Britain, say. She sounded slightly irritated, but in a loving way. He could practically sense the fond smile she had on her face. Canada was laughing in the background, the argument between his younger siblings still raging on.

"Anyways, we're on our way. We're only about.. an hour away!" It seemed like Canada had regained control of his phone. "We'll be there soon, Ame."

"Thanks, Canada. Seeya guys later!" America said, hanging up. He looked back at his work and figured he had to be a bit faster if he wanted to be ready by the time his family arrived.


Australia jumped out of the car, holding New Zealands (cheeto dust covered) tablet above his head as he ran to America's front door. He could hear his younger sister screaming at him from her seat in the car, but he didn't really care as he feverishly banged on America's door.

While he knew it would happen eventually, he didn't expect the little gremlin to barrel straight into his side so quickly.

"Oww!" He said, tossing the tablet into the air due to.. reflexes.

To this day, if you ask Australia, he'll still say it was an accident. (it was not.)

Time seemed to move in slow motion as the dirty Ipad soared through the air, only to land-..

..right in Canada's hand.

"You two aren't getting this back until we're inside." The tyrant known as their older brother declared. The tyrant's henchmen, also known as their parents, backed him up.
Both of the younger kids unanimously whined. Australia's younger sister immediately pointed out the hypocrisy in him doing so.

"You're only doing that because you wanna take it again!!" Australia really had no rebuttal to this. She was right, after all. So, he did the one thing that a person with no arguments left does: stick his tongue out at her.

As expected, she was not pleased. She almost tried to crash into him again before they all heard the front door unlocking. They tried to make themselves look less like menaces as the door opened to reveal America with a big smile on his face.

Australia was the first to go inside, ducking under Canada's long legs to hug America.
America was always his favorite sibling for a few reasons:

1, he didn't put chips in Australia's shoes when they were mad (He's still upset about that, New Zealand. Expect payback as soon as Australia manages to figure out the password to your stupid tablet.)

2, he isn't a raging tyrant, a vengeful god of anti-fun, a world-renowned beast to the citizens of fun-topia. (this is a fresh addition to the list, if that wasn't obvious)

3, when he still lived in the family house, he let him eat cookies after 10 pm and didn't tell mom or dad.

Ranked in no particular order.

"Hey, guys! How was the ride?" America asked to nobody in particular, picking Australia up and wrapping him in a hug. Oh, America also picked Australia up and that was really fun. Add that one to the list, please.

"Well- as good as a ride can go with these kids." His dad, France, answered. Australia stuck his tongue out at him when he wasn't watching, and it was clear America saw by the small giggle he made.

The whole family made their way inside, all greeting America and wishing him a happy birthday. New Zealand continued to glare at him almost the whole time, until the beast was finally satiated when Canada gave her the Ipad back.

"Hello, my favorite sibling!" America said, catching Australia's attention immediately. He had whispered the last part, probably because he didn't want their demon of a sister to attack his ankles.

"Ame!! You're gonna love the gift I got you, promise. I know my gift last year wasn't the best-"

"It totally was."

Australia grinned, hugging America a bit tighter. He was just being modest, last years gift absolutely ruled. How could it not? It was from him, after all!

"It totally was, I lied. But this one is even better!!" He said, letting out a small scream when America dropped him onto the couch with everybody else.

"I bet it is, Aussie. Every gift you get me always tops the last!" America smiled, ruffling Australia's hair. He had just gotten it done (and by 'gotten it done', he means played in the mud and had to get it washed since they were leaving for Ame's house in an hour), but he supposed it was fine if America was doing it.

The time was 11 am, and it was the day after America's birthday. Some of his other friends had come over, which America was stoked about. Everyone had left either at night or in the morning, so it was just his family left in the house. What was left of his birthday, you may ask?


That was, and had been, his most favorite part of birthdays since as far back as he could remember. Sure, the company and stuff was nice, but the presents were just a bit nicer.

However, considering he hadn't seen his family in months, they were definitely more important than the presents.

Still.. he was excited.

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