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sOOosooo i was watching a drew durnil video where i saw that someone from russia was apparently the person to originally create countryhumans so uhh.. here ya go?

idk if thats even true LMAO



Soviet scribbled away on his computer, tiny beads of sweat rolling down his forehead as he focused..

Just a bit more...



He had finished his Polandball comic. But something felt.. off. Weird, even.

Something was missing.

He saved his art before trying to add more to it, but no matter how hard he tried, it just didn't feel right. Then, he had an idea;

What if it had a body?

Soviet's Polandball comics had never really gotten much attention since he was terrible at everything art related, but for his imaginary idea, you didn't even need to be good at art!
All you need to do is be able to draw porn!

He slowly sketched a body onto the tiny clay, a part deep inside of him feeling slightly sorry for the America ball that he was mutilating before remembering that America was a giant asshole and he kinda deserved it. When he was done, he took a step back.

Oh. My. God.

Soviet looked down at his masterpiece in a mix of horror, shock, and excitement. Not the sexual one.. yet.

This would get so many upvotes..

But where would he put it?

He highly doubted any Polandball OR countryball community would do anything but come at him with pitchforks, so where did this monstrosity- I mean, beautiful work of art belong?
He could focus on that once he had finished drawing, he supposed.

_1 houah laaytaer_

Shading the last bit of the maid outfit, he sighed. What if this totally flops? No, no, that's not possible. People love borderline porn of countries.. right? Suddenly, he had another amazing idea to ensure that his art would go viral.

Make it gay. Ultra, mega gay.

"What..?" He whispered to the voice in his head. He wanted the karma, he wanted the likes, he wanted the internet validation, but.. gay porn of countries? Was he crossing the line?

Of course not. You deserve this.

Well.. the voice was right. He had been working very hard lately, he did deserve something for his efforts..

Alright, why not.

Soviet erased the entire comic, fully focusing on his new goal. He began to draw in Russia, almost feeling bad for him before remembering that he is an even bigger asshole than America, and just like him, kinda deserves it.
The 'art' wasn't extremely provocative so far, just groping, but he knew it would send the internet into a frenzy.

Maybe he could create an entirely new fandom.

That thought got him a little bit too excited, and this time it was in the sexual way, so he distracted his mind with the art. As soon as he had finished, he looked for places to post it. That sure as hell was not going on any of his main accounts anywhere, so he'd have to make alts.

Possibly throwaways if things went south. Or rather a different direction, since south is where Soviet wants this to go for the viewer.

New Twitter account, new Reddit account, Tumblr, Instagram, even Rule34.

He decided to post it onto the PB subreddits regardless. Its not like he was on his main account, anyways.

Then, he posted his art. One by one, he put the piece on his platforms, and only a few hours after, he noticed the attention. Both positive and negative. Some were wondering what it was, and others were wondering why it was so goddamn hot.



HAHA i love this lmaoo

this isnt hate lol
it might seeeeeem like it buuuut its not o3o
i love this fandom (for the most part...)

my dad did this to me by leaving
his fault not mine 😘

u h pls give votes
this took like 30 minutes loll

k bye

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