💛North K. x Japan💛

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Hmm if you can then maybe NK×Japan? I've started shipping it a bit after reading EA adventures. So perhaps NK and Japan started seeing eachother after the ASEAN meeting or its just Japan bothering NK. Japan who is secretly a kitsune but wears a Yukata or a Kimono to not show any features as people will get reminded of the past. NK is kind of a cat lover so he shares some interests with Japan and that's how they're still interacting. Though NK has always distanced himself from other countries he appears to have some sort of friendship with Japan? They rarely meet due to South Korea taking NK out everywhere until they came across Americas party. NK would've left but saw someone..it was Japan. Anyways use your wildest imaginations-
1.NK can be a male and Japan..maybe a female?
2.End in them dating- Since Japan is mostly the one interacting more and North has taken a liking for her for that.
3.Tbh I don't really know since I'm clogging my mind with my own ideas in my fanfic but..hmm It can end with them cuddling ig? I can't do any detailing on that part but once again use your wildest imagination with what had happened before the cuddling-

requested by Stoopid0Potato
o k so ive never read EA adventures but ill try my best lol
i skimmed thru like 1 chapter, the first, to try and get a gauge of the personalities but thats about it

also, i made japan have cat ears, but they can just.. disappear when she wants them to? not the tails tho, she has to hide them
idk im just tryna make this work for me lol, hope it doesnt ruin it

sorry for it being so late fghhshhsvv 😭

enjoye even if its v e r y delayed

The stereotypical, obviously American party music blasted into North's brain the moment South opened the door. He instinctively covered his nearly deafened ears, his eyebrows furrowing as he frowned.
That alone made him almost want to break his deal with South.


"This is the last one, North! Promise!" South blurted immediately, noticing North's discontent.
To be fair, it was pretty hard to miss.

North didn't respond, except for rolling his eyes. He didn't want to give South too much attitude, should he choose to revoke his offer.
Even though his dread was apparent, he still went inside.

Hesitantly stepping into America's house after South, he winced. He could smell the alcohol, specifically beer, in the air. It made him want to vomit.
Walking away from the area as soon as he possibly could, he looked around.

South had never dragged him to one of America's parties yet, but his expectations were dead on the floor when he knew who's house it'd be at.
Luckily, they were met.

North went off to do his own thing. He had never been to America's house (he made it a point to stay far away actually.), so he wasn't really sure where he was going. Just then, he felt an arm sling around his shoulder.

Looking beside him, his face immediately fell. Remember what I said about North trying to stay as far as possible from America?

Well, running into the man himself was a.. pleasant surprise.


Could you feel the sarcasm?

"Heeey, North! Glad you came! Ii mean- South told me you were comin'- but still!" America slurred. North was not happy about the other country using him as an armrest, but there wasn't too much he could do.

North really wasn't sure why America thought they were friends. They were not.

"..Hello." He tentatively responded, inching away from him. North could smell the strong alcohol as America spoke.

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