💛💙Canada + Russia💙💛

430 7 13

requested by Emily_ohno

no i did not forget about this book and wattpad as a whole for almost an entire week, why do you ask?

ahahaha anyways,,, i rly dont have much to say about this but i wrote like half of it at 5am so ignore any spelling mistakes
hope you like it

ALSO just so yk: rus & can start off as little kids (like 6 or 7, ame is 10), then youngish teenagers, then older teenagers/young adults, then adults

enjoye :)


Canada giggled and picked up another clump of snow off of the ground, ducking down to ball it up before he felt something smack into the back of his head. Hard. Almost like it was less of a snowball, and more of a piece of ice wrapped in a thin layer of snow.

"Owiee!" He yelped, immediately dropping the half formed snowball in his hands and clutching the back of his head. He heard laughing behind him.

"Yay, I got you!!" Russia said from behind him, celebrating for a few moments before wondering what was wrong with Canada.

"Cancan? Are you okay?" Canada squeezed his eyes shut, trying to hold in any noises as tears rolled down his cheeks. He felt Russia's hand on his shoulder and he flinched, letting out a quiet sob.

"..Canada?" He asked, kneeling down next to him. Russia gasped as he saw that Canada was crying.

"Oh my god! Cancan, I'm so sorry!!" Russia said, panicking before wrapping his arms around Canada. He pulled him into a tight hug, reaching up and rubbing the back of his head.

Canada let out another cry, clutching onto Russia's puffer jacket tightly. Russia whispered out another apology, feeling sympathy overwhelm him as he felt Canada shaking.

Canada slowly began to calm down over the course of a few minutes, his sobs turning into shaky breathing and dried tear tracks on his face.

"Here Cancan, you hit me now." Russia said, picking up his partially formed snowball off of the ground and finishing it, placing it in Canada's small hand before backing up a bit.

Canada sniffled and weakly threw his snowball at Russia, watching as the other country exaggeratedly fell back onto the snow, making a small 'oof' noise. It managed to make him smile, just a little.

He used his sleeve to wipe his face clean, crawling over to Russia, who was still laying on the snow.
"..Thanks, Ruski." He said, laying his head onto Russia's stomach. They both just laid there for a few minutes, enjoying eachothers company, before-


Canada jumped as he heard his older brother, America, yell. He sounded mad, and both Canada and Russia knew why.


(what beef could u possibly have with a 7 year old 💀)
(also yes, he was permitted to swear one time by his mom)

"Um.. I have to go." Canada said, frowning. Russia nodded, looking sad.

"I know. I'm gonna see you again, right?"

"Mhm. You're my bestest friend ever, I'm not gonna leave you. I promise." Canada said, raising up his pinkie finger. He smiled as Russia intertwined their fingers together, holding it for a moment to solidify the promise before returning their hands to their sides.

"Bye bye, Ruski."

"Bye, Cancan."

Canada stood up and ran to his house, feeling slightly nervous as he saw his older brother with his arms crossed, looking down at him.

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