🖤Jamaica x Puerto Rico🖤

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requested by beetriceishot

i decided to just make him a king/dictator or somethin like that
hope ya like it

stressed me out a little bit because a big lack of motivation hit while i was in the middle of writing this and it made me think im even worse of a writer than i usually do lol
but its alright cus its done now!

never used these characters before so thats cool

sry that the angst is barely even there lol

-unbalanced power dynamic because.. hes a literal king
-desk secks
-puerto rico calls jamaica "sir" so.. yeah
-brief choking (yes it is in a sexual way)(just 4 like a minute or 2)

also quite a few of mentions of god. idk why but there just is
im not even religious



Jamaica heavily sighed, eyebrows furrowing as he thought about earlier's events.
Him and the Dominican Republic had been meeting to arrange trade between their kingdoms, but things didn't go well, to say the very least. They couldn't agree on anything.

What a waste of time.

Suddenly, he heard his door opening.

"S-sir? Are you okay..?" Jamaica looked up from his desk to see Puerto Rico, his personal servant, standing in the doorway.

"I'm fine. Leave, now." He needed time to cool down from the bad meeting, and he didn't feel like being bothered.

"Uhm.. I just wanted to ask you if-"

Puerto Rico jumped as Jamaica slammed his fist down on the desk, the loud noise resounding throughout the room.
"I said leave."

He quickly exited the room, slamming the door shut behind him.
Walking through the halls, Puerto Rico regretted walking inside in the first place. He hated being yelled at.

He was sad before he thought about something:

Was that really even his fault?

I mean, he just wanted to ask a question. How was it his fault that Jamaica managed to screw up a meeting with the Dominican Republic?!

The sadness bubbling up in his body was quickly replaced with bitterness.

He tried to go about his day to get the anger to fizzle out, and it was working..

That was, until a few hours later he was tasked with cleaning Jamaica's office by a higher up.
He didn't have the courage to tell them that he probably shouldn't do that, so reluctantly, he went.

Puerto Rico sighed as he stood in front of the door. Despite the bad feeling in his stomach, he didn't really have much of a choice, did he?
He prayed to god that Jamaica had left as he opened it.

Apparently, God doesn't exist.
Or maybe he just decided to ignore Puerto Rico today, because almost immediately after he opened the door, he was roughly yanked inside with a hand tightly gripping his neck.

"AH! W-what are you-" He trailed off when he was turned around to face Jamaica, the other looking down at him clearly pissed off.
"Puerto Rico."

"Ahaha.. h-hello, sir..?" He said nervously.

"I'm not sure if you remember what I told you earlier,"
It looked like even though Puerto Rico had cooled off from earlier, Jamaica definitely hadn't.

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