Chapter 52

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Third person's POV

Words of mouth are travelling faster than the speed of light. Soon enough, the rumour of the Queen's critical condition reaches Castlemaine. The people are immediately in great state of worries. Everyone is praying to God for their great Queen to win over the Grim Reaper.

Inside the palace, everywhere you go, you will find the guards and maids are talking in circles, very concerned about the bad news,

On the other hand, Consort Mina has been good and only stayed inside her palace since the Queen's absence, so no trouble can occur. Mina and JiHyo are now walking back inside her palace after a walk in the garden. And there, they saw the guards are talking to one another with visibly distressed faces,

'What is happening? Why is everyone looking so concerned?' JiHyo steps closer and asks them,

The guards looked over and finally saw Consort Mina. They immediately kneel down, 'Your... Your Highness.' They greet,

Mina gestures for them to stand up, she then asks, 'What is the matter?'

The guards are glancing at each other, not sure how to deliver this news to the Consort, because they know it would definitely be so painful for her,

Mina creases her brows seeing the guards's hesitation, 'Tell me what is it that you are hiding?' She urged,

Having no other choices, one of the guards carefully speaks up, 'Your Highness, we... got news from the battle front. Her.... Her Majesty got... shot by an arrow and she's currently in... a critical condition.'

Mina can feel her heart broken into pieces as of that instant, her whole world is stumbling down right in front of her eyes. She's standing there frozen as if she just can not accept what she just heard, 'No... no... that's not true!' The Consort shakes her head slowly in disbelief,

'Your Highness, please calm down!' JiHyo quickly tries to calm Mina down by holding onto her arm,

'I... want to go to Her Majesty...' Mina's tears are now falling one by one, 'I need to see her...' Mina wants to run to Chaeyoung immediately, but JiHyo quickly holds her back, 'Your Highness, please calm down! You can't... you definitely can't go to the battle front.'

Mina is resisting strongly while crying her heart out, 'JiHyo, let go of me... I need to see Her Majesty... I have to...' The Consort feels so heart broken that her body gave out, she loses consciousness because of the great shock she is going through,

JiHyo quickly catches Mina before she falls to the ground, 'Your Highness! Your Highness!' The guards and the maids are all running over to help,

'Call the royal physician! Hurry please!' JiHyo says through her worried tears.


Mina slowly opens her eyes and realises that she's lying on her bed. She tiredly blinks a few times, and as soon as her senses rush back to her, tears immediately start to roll down from the corners of her eyes. Mina quickly sits up, 'Your Majesty, I want to see you...'

But Consort Tzuyu stopped her. She has been sitting right next to the bed to take care of Mina after the royal physician gave the Consort a dose of calming medicine, 'Consort Mina, it's alright! Her Majesty isn't in a critical condition, so don't be too upset.'

Only just now, Mina realised Consort Tzuyu is here, she looks at her with tears are still present in her eyes, 'Consort Tzuyu, is that true?' She asks with a great hope is starting to fill her heart,

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