Chapter 24

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Third person's POV

'JeongYeon, I don't want to force any decision on her.' Chaeyoung's voice can be heard,

'You took her from Macedon forcefully, you made her a slave and put her through many hardships, then you forcefully made her your personal maid. Everything was your decisions, so tell me, Chaeyoung, what choice did Mina have?' JeongYeon angrily asks,

Chaeyoung is stunned after hearing what JeongYeon just pointed out. She stays silent and just stares at the Vice Minister. So many different thoughts are going on inside her head, but the biggest question that is piercing into her heart right now is, 'What if it's true that she forced Mina into everything right from the beginning until now? It's the fact that Mina's family members got killed because of her, it's no denial that she is the one who destroyed Mina's home and dragged the innocent Princess away from her Kingdom. Chaeyoung loves Mina with all her heart but now she starts to question herself.... Is it true that she didn't actually give the girl she loves a... choice like she thought she always has been giving her?'

The Vice Minister is now like a jar without the lid, she is spilling out everything that she has been keeping inside, 'You made Mina your personal maid and took away my opportunity to get close to her. Chaeyoung, if I had a chance to show Mina my heart earlier, her answer today would be different...'

The Queen is just sitting there and looks at JeongYeon with so much sadness in her eyes. She isn't even trying to explain or defend herself anymore because she knows she needs to let JeongYeon pours out all of her long overdue frustration. But the more she listens to what her friend said, the more she knows their friendship is a lot harder to mend than she thought it would be,

'Chaeyoung, I love her first, Mina... she's my first love, but you took her away from me just like that. You already have everything in this world, you have Consort Tzuyu, Consort Sana and many many other women, so why? Why do you have to take the only woman that I love?' JeongYeon continues, her heart is hurting too much that she can't control her words anymore, 'You are so greedy!'

On the other side of the door, Dahyun just can not listen to those wrongful accusations any longer, she pushes the door open, 'Yoo JeongYeon, watch your words!' She yells at the Vice Minister while stepping inside,

Mina also steps in, she worriedly looks at Chaeyoung to check on her as she knows how much the Queen is hurting right now listening to all those piercing words,

Both Chaeyoung and JeongYeon turn their heads to look at Mina at the same time. The Queen stares at the girl she loves with a very hard to read expression on her face. She then stands up and walks away without speaking a word,

'Your Majesty! Your Majesty!' Mina calls out to Chaeyoung and immediately follows right behind her out of the office.

On the other hand, Dahyun has been looking at JeongYeon with an angry face. To her, a very close person to Chaeyoung, JeongYeon and even Mina, she has witnessed many things between them, and therefore she knows the whole situation better than anyone else. With all of those knowledges about this love triangle, Dahyun believes that everything which the Vice Minister said to the Queen was wrong on so many different levels,

The Vice Chief then walks over and throws a hard punch right on the side of the Vice Minister's face,

JeongYeon falls to the floor with a busted lip as a result. She looks at Dahyun but doesn't fight back, as deep down inside she's already regretting every word that she said to her best friend earlier,

'That punch, I did it on behalf of Chaeyoung.' Dahyun tells her, she's fuming at the moment, 'JeongYeon, how could you talk to Chaeyoung like that? She's not only your best friend but also your Queen.
Be thankful that Chaeyoung is so forgiving, if it's any other King or Queen, your head wouldn't still be on your neck.'

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