Chapter 2

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Third person's POV

It would be a lie if Mina says that she's not loving it, how Chaeyoung showers her with so much care and attention. Eventhough nothing between them is confirmed, but Mina knows and is very sure that she has a special spot in Chaeyoung's heart, and that the great Queen adores her to the moon and back.

It's one of those days when Chaeyoung continues to happily take care of Mina. The Queen is now sitting on a chair right next to Mina's bed, reading her book while Mina is sitting up on her bed, supposedly reading her own book as well, but instead of reading, she just keeps glancing at the Queen, letting her mind does the wonders of imagining things, things that they might share in the future,

'Ehmmm... why aren't you reading?' Chaeyoung asks while putting her book down on a table nearby. She decided to pay Mina full attention now because she saw the way the girl keeps glancing at her in the corner of her eyes,

Mina immediately picks up her own book and opens it, holding it up with both hands, making it looks like she has been paying her full attention to the book, 'I'm reading my book, Your Majesty.' She answers,

Chaeyoung chuckles, 'I have never seen anyone who can read book upside down like you.' She tells Mina with a face full of amusement,

Mina's face turned red instantly upon realising that she has been holding her book upside down this whole time. It looks too obvious to miss for an attentive person like Chaeyoung, which means there is a big possibility that the Queen has caught her secret glances right from the beginning, 'Your Majesty, I got startled and just dropped my book earlier when you suddenly asked me the question. Then I accidentally picked it up the wrong way, but before that, I was really... only focusing on reading my book.' She is furiously explaining, too embarrassed to admit that she has been only checking out the Queen,

'Is that so?' Chaeyoung keeps a straight face, 'So you have been attentively reading your book, then Mina, you tell me what this book is all about.' She commands while reaching her right hand over, wanting to take the book away from Mina's hands,

Mina tightens her grip on the book, wanting to hold onto it with all her mind. She's trying to avoid the question but it's no use, the Queen is way stronger than her, and with just one pull, Chaeyoung has already taken her book away and is now waiting for an answer. Mina bites her lips, furiously thinking about what to do, as she hasn't even started to read anything in the book, and therefore she has no idea what it is about, 'Your Majesty, it's... it's...'

'It wasn't a lie, was it? Because if you don't know what this book is about, which means you told me a lie. And you should know that lying to a Queen is considered a serious crime.' Chaeyoung continues to tease Mina, she uses the national law to scare the girl,

Mina nervously gulps, she doesn't want to lie but she had gone too far to turn back around now, 'Your Majesty, I... I wasn't... lying.' She speaks in her tiny voice,

'Very well then, tell me what this book is about.' The Queen continues to press,

Mina takes a glance at Chaeyoung then looks back down to her lap, she can't lie while looking straight into the Queen's eyes, 'It's about... a magnificent love story of... uhm... 2 people. They... uhmm....' She uses the most common type of story in any book, but it still came out all broken and clumsy because the girl simply just can't lie,

Chaeyoung can totally see the guilt on Mina's face because the girl also can't hide whatever feelings she's having. Right away, an urge to hug Mina and soothes that guilt away for her starts to raise rapidly inside the loving Queen, but the story that Mina made up is way too clumsy, it's just too funny not to tease. The Queen proceeds to hold the book which Mina was supposedly reading up to have a look at the title, 'Wild animals and their hunting habits.' She reads out loud,

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