Chapter 22

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Third person's POV

About one month later, it's a normal throne hall meeting just like every other day. Mina is standing behind the Queen as usual, she's more than happy just by watching the person who she respects the most does her daily job. And while Chaeyoung is discussing some issues with the Counsellors, an Officer hurriedly runs in and kneels down in the middle of the hall, 'Your Majesty, we have an emergency.' He shouts out,

'Report everything to me.' The Queen calmly tells him,

'Your Majesty, a group of rebels in Hanwon province had raised up and taken full control of the whole province. They imprisoned the Governor as well as most of Hanwon soldiers.' The Officer reports,

'And the purpose of their rebellion?' Chaeyoung asks,

'Your Majesty, they haven't made any demands or threats towards anyone yet after taking the control of the province.' He replied,

The internal affairs Minister steps out, 'Your Majesty, taking over control of a province without permission, and imprisoning high rank Officials are serious crimes. Please order a group of soldiers to head to Hanwon province and punish them harshly.'

The Queen is still thinking, she hasn't made the decision yet because something just doesn't add up,

Right then, the Vice Minister of war JeongYeon also stepped out, 'Your Majesty, please let me lead a group of soldiers over to Hanwon and settle the situation. Please give me a chance to make up for my mistakes in the hunting trip.'

Chaeyoung looks into her friend's eyes, and the determination in the young Vice Minister's eyes made her feels proud, as that is what her friend JeongYeon should be, a fearless warrior, 'I give you permission, Vice Minister. Take a group of 200 soldiers and head to Hanwon right away.' The Queen commands with a voice full of authority, and then she continues, 'But... as I know, Hanwon is a farming province, most of the people there are nice and peaceful farmers, there must be a reason why they became rebels. So Vice Minister, I want you to talk to them first, find out the reason first, only fight when there's absolutely no other choices. Remember, do not use "violence" to conquer them, use "peace".'

Mina's heart skipped a beat, this is exactly what she told Chaeyoung in their conversation when she wrote "PEACE" on her calligraphy. It was quite a long time ago, and that's why she's so surprised that The Queen still remembers it, and the fact that this powerful Queen took what she said to heart and actually delivered it, is a solid evidence that Mina has placed her heart into the very righteous and kind person's hands.

'Yes, Your Majesty.' JeongYeon obeys. She then diverts her eyes to Mina as if wanting to charge her energy by looking at that pretty face. Eventhough Mina is only looking at Chaeyoung right now, with such a dreamy expression on her face, but that's alright, the Vice Minister actually knew whose Mina's heart belongs to, but having to be so deep in this one sided love, she wants to pursue it until the very end.

Just one week later, as she followed exactly what the Queen told her to, the Vice Minister came back with a complete victory. She settled the rebellious movement in Hanwon province and punished fairly whoever did wrong,

Walking proudly into the throne hall, JeongYeon bows to greet the Queen, 'Your Majesty, I have completed my mission successfully.'

'Well done, Vice Minister! You brought victory home yet again.' The Queen tells her with a big smile on her face,

'It's all thanks to you, Your Majesty. You were right, the only reason the farmers raised up and became rebels was because they had no other choices. For many years, the Hanwon Governor had taken all the supporting funds from the government for himself instead of giving it to the poor. He even illegally increased taxes and introduced unfair fees, he didn't even care if the people had nothing to eat. Everything was so unfair that the people of Hanwon couldn't just take it any longer and that's why they decided to stand up for themselves.' JeongYeon tells Chaeyoung the whole story,

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