Chapter 30

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Third person's POV

And that charming whisper surely made the innocent Princess feels all sorts of things. She cannot hold the eye contact and proceeds to hide her face into the crook of Chaeyoung's neck while hugging The Queen tightly,

The Queen smiles to herself and adoringly squeezes Mina's body in her arms, 'So my Mina isn't mad or upset at me anymore, is she?'

Mina nods her head, still hiding her face,

'Then Mina, tomorrow you don't have to come with me to the throne hall, stay in your room and rest...' Chaeyoung continues, 'Have dinner with me when it's dinner time, then after that I want to show you something.'

Mina tilts her head to look at Chaeyoung, wondering, 'What is it that you want to show me, Your Majesty?' She asks,

'Secret.' The Queen replies,

'Uhmmm... no... no more secrets!' The Princess cutely complains,

Chaeyoung chuckles, 'It's a good secret. I promise you that.'


Next day in the throne hall, the government members submit a formal proposition just like what they promised yesterday. They made the decision after serious consideration and mutual agreement between every single member,

'Your Majesty, please approve our proposition!' The State Councillor says while presenting the proposition to the Queen,

The Queen doesn't waste anytime to open it and read, 'Your Majesty, we, the government members of Castlemaine always put your health and well being as our utmost priority. Your recent unconsciousness had us worried to no end, but we are aware that with the help of your personal maid Mina, you were able to overcome your sickness. We are forever grateful for that help, and hereby request a reward for Mina's efforts which are deserved to be recognised.

Kindness, beauty, talents and loyalty, Mina has it all. She isn't lacking anything compare to any of the Consorts or Concubines, and therefore we truly believe she deserves a position in your royal family.'

It took Chaeyoung everything to not jump out of her throne and celebrate her happiness at the moment. Marrying Mina, the love of her life isn't a dream anymore, but it has become a reality. Everything she sacrificed was worth it for this achievement, the plan she made has come to a successful end,

The Queen took a moment to calm herself down before announcing, 'I, Son Chaeyoung, Queen of Castlemaine formally accepts your proposition. Myoui Mina deserves a reward and I will reward her by marrying her into my royal family. After the royal wedding, Mina will become my third wedded wife and will be given a royal title of... a Pure Consort.'

Eventhough the government members expected The Queen would want to give Mina a title of a Consort, but didn't expect it to be a Pure Consort, as that is the second highest royal title just after Noble Consort Tzuyu. But what they don't know is that Chaeyoung's love for Mina is overflowing and she's giving the girl she loves the same ranking title as Consort Sana because she knows only then, Consort Sana won't be able to look down on Mina anymore,

The government members are all glancing at each other as they got a little surprised, but after all, it's not in their hands to decide or oppose which position the Queen wants to give to her wife, so they agreed, 'Your Majesty, it's your family, we have no rights to interfere. We will have the whole Castlemaine prepared for the royal wedding.'

Chaeyoung is smiling ear to ear, but she didn't forget to continue her announcement, 'To celebrate the royal wedding and sharing the joy with everyone, I will cut taxes for every single person of Castlemaine and Macedon for three months, release good behaviour prisoners, increase supporting funds for all provinces and accepting early retirement for war soldiers who wish to be retired and reunited with their families.'

The Queen and her National Treasure Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt