Chapter 42

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Third person's POV

Mina is now deeply in a daze, she keeps watching The Queen for God knows how long until Hyung Sik calls her, 'Your Highness, are you sure you don't want me to notify Her Majesty?'

The question got Mina back down on earth, she turns to look at Hyung Sik, 'Maybe... yes, please notify her.' Of course Mina still remembers the whole purpose of running over here is to apologise to Chaeyoung,

'But wait... no. Please don't.' Mina changes her mind, she's at a battle with herself because she's very nervous whenever she has to face a strict Chaeyoung,

'Your Highness, would you feel better if I tell you that Her Majesty misses you like crazy the last few days?' Hyung Sik calms Mina down with that fact,

And it did help the Pure Consort to finally make up her mind, 'I... I will kneel right here waiting for Her Majesty. Hyung Sik, can you let Her Majesty know that I'm reflecting on my actions and that she doesn't have to see me if... if she's still mad at me.' Mina says before kneeling down right there on the floor. Using the tactic of punishing herself to poke right at Chaeyoung's heart which is overflowing with love and adoration for her. That fact, oh the spoiled Consort is very well aware of that fact.

Understood the task, Hyung Sik immediately steps inside the office to notify the Queen. He carefully approached Chaeyoung and whispered everything to her,

The Queen shot up from her seat, she immediately looked for her Consort at the door. Her heart instantly sank upon seeing her beloved wife is kneeling there with her head down. Chaeyoung involuntary takes a step towards Mina but was stopped by a call from the Minister who was one of her King Father's close friends, 'Your Majesty?' The agricultural Minister is not sure why the Queen is suddenly standing up amidst their formal meeting,

Chaeyoung quickly composed herself, she sat back down while her eyes are refusing to steer away from the girl she loves, 'Minister, can we... continue this meeting tomorrow?' She wants to end the meeting right away,

'Your Majesty, I'm going to Ju Nee port tomorrow for the national meeting about our export products. I won't be back for a whole week, so I'm sorry but we have to finish this meeting today.' The Minister answered,

'I see...' The Queen says while still can't take her eyes off her Treasure. She wants to run to Mina but she really can't get out of this meeting now, 'Alright, please continue where we left off...' She has no choice but swallowing hard the urge to hug Mina tightly in her arms right away,

'Yes, Your Majesty. So next I will report to you about the growth in quantity of potatoes...' The old Minister continues, having no clue about Chaeyoung's young burning heart at the moment.

'Next are tomatos...', half an hour later, and the agricultural Minister just keeps talking. Meanwhile, our great Queen is increasingly irritated by the minute because of the fact that her beloved wife is still kneeling at the door, 'Oh God, my Mina...' Chaeyoung's heart is aching because she knows her Treasure hasn't knelt for this long in a very very long time and the girl's knees must be so sore right now,

And she is right, Mina's legs have gone numb a few times, her knees are felt like they don't belong to her body anymore. However, The Pure Consort doesn't plan to leave anytime soon, she has her lips sadly pouted though, because it has been more than half an hour already but The Queen hasn't even come, so she thinks Chaeyoung must be still very upset at her.

On the other hand, at Consort Sana's palace. After hearing the story from the spy that she sent to watch Mina's every move, Sana immediately heads to The Queen's palace as well. She plans to not let Consort Mina reclaims The Queen's affection.

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