Chapter 5

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Third person's POV

Sana is standing there so still watching Dahyun slowly disappeared into the distance. As sharp and clever as she is, she totally can tell that Dahyun has a thing for her, 'I wonder what it feels like to be with someone who doesn't have many wives.' She then sighs deeply, 'Your Majesty, why can't you be like the Vice Chief of royal guards who is so worried about me? Why don't you care about me a little more? Why... why can't I be the only one in your heart?' She is sadly thinking to herself.

A few weeks have passed, and truth to her words, Mina is content just to be able to stay close to the Queen, seeing Chaeyoung day and night is her happiness,

And with the Queen, the amount of adoration she has for Mina just keeps growing. She now can't have a meal without Mina sitting next to her and sharing the food. She can't read the propositions without Mina sitting on her lap and helping her with the royal seal stamping,

Mina is the maid, but Chaeyoung is definitely the one who works harder. She would do anything to see Mina's pretty smiles, she adores Mina however her heart tells her to, she even spoils the girl more than any of her Consorts or Concubines in the whole palace.

It's one of those nights, as usual, after finishing with all the propositions, the Queen makes her way into her bedroom with Mina followed right behind. Mina is getting ready to help Chaeyoung to change out of her royal robe and put on the night gown. But after taking off her royal robe, the Queen hands to Mina a bag containing some sorts of clothings, 'Mina, help me put these on, we are going out, we can't go to bed yet.'

Mina creases her brows hearing that, 'Where are you planning to go this time, Your Majesty? Which Consort's or Concubine's place that you have to visit at this late hour?' Anyone could easily hear the jealousy in Mina's voice,

Chaeyoung bites her lips to hold in her laughter at Mina's cute little jealousy. She can't help herself but to keep going with the flow, 'Yes, Mina, eventhough it's late but I have to go tonight. I can't wait until tomorrow.'

Mina can feel the heat raises up on both of her cheeks, she subconsciously reaches her hands over and has a strong hold of the Queen's sleeve, as if she won't let Chaeyoung go anywhere no matter what, 'But... but Your Majesty, it's very very late already, aren't you tired? And also, don't you... have an important meeting tomorrow? It's better to go to sleep now so you can be ready for it.' She quickly reasons,

The Queen chuckles, 'But it has to be tonight, Mina. I have been so looking forward to it, therefore I can't miss it.' She continues to tease,

Mina's lips sadly pout on their own, her heart beats abnormally just with the thought of Chaeyoung spending the night with some other girls. She knows she doesn't have the right to stop The Queen from seeing her Consorts or Concubines, but can't help herself feeling this way. The uneasy feeling in her stomach, nonstop twisting and turning, wondering who it is that managed to capture the great Queen's heart, to the point that this attractive Queen has been so looking forward to spend the night with, that she can't miss it no matter what,

Mina's silence is just so loud, her body language gave out everything that is going on inside her head. Chaeyoung smiles warmly at the jealous girl, 'Come on, Mina. Open the bag and help me to put those clothes on.' She urges,

Mina has to obey eventhough she's not happy right now. She reluctantly opens the bag while her lips are still pouting to the max. Inside the bag, there are not only one, but two sets of clothings, commoner clothings, 'Huh, not only wanting Her Majesty to come this late at night, but also wants her to dress in commoner clothing. Such a weird person!' She outright criticises whoever that girl is who she thinks the Queen is going to meet,

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