Chapter 4

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Third person's POV

Mina looks at Chaeyoung with her pure, innocent and kind pair of eyes. She makes sure to hold the eye contact while speaking, 'Your Majesty, I just wish that every person in this world would be able to find their inner peace, and that there is no hate, no ill thoughts ever exist. I wish that there is no war, no violence, so every Kingdom and the people who are living in them can find peace and harmony. I wish everyone can set aside their anger, their greed, their worry, their insecurity and their uncertainty, to live their lives in pure happiness with peaceful minds, and when I say everyone, I'm including... you and me.'

The Queen finds herself nodding her head along with every word Mina said. She has never imagined how she could love someone this much, and Mina just proved to her that the girl is worth every bit of that great love. This pure Princess is not only gorgeous on the outside but also beautiful on the inside, and that fact has made the Queen's love for her increased ten fold,

Chaeyoung gently holds Mina's hand up and places an adoring kiss on the top of her hand, 'You are indeed my National Treasure! Can I just keep you in my pocket?' She wants to claim Mina for herself more than ever,

On the other hand, Mina is stunned at the sudden kiss, this is certainly the next step of affection as the Queen only has been giving her adoring touches and warm protective hugs. Mina smiles shyly, 'Your Majesty, but I won't fit in your pocket.' She plays along,

Chaeyoung hugs Mina even tighter, 'But you fit perfectly in my arms, so stay in my embrace and don't go anywhere, humh?!' She lovingly tells her,

'Yes, Your Majesty!' Mina happily obeys,

The Queen places another kiss on top of Mina's hand before continuing, 'Mina, your one word is more powerful than any philosophy book out there. I got the message that you want to convey, and PEACE will be the way I rule my Kingdom. Also, I will do everything I can, so that... you and me can live in pure happiness with peaceful minds.' She tells the girl with so much love.

The next day, as soon as Mina stepped inside the Queen's office, she can see her calligraphy has been carefully framed and elegantly decorated on the wall right behind the throne, where the Queen always sits. Mina is standing there, speechless, she didn't expect Chaeyoung would treasure it that much,

Meanwhile, the Queen is smiling at Mina proudly, as if she's ready to tell the world how talented her Mina is. It is an unprepared calligraphy, but to Chaeyoung, it's perfect and it's more valuable than any work from any famous figures, 'Why? Don't you like it that I have your calligraphy on my wall?' The Queen asks after seeing Mina seems to be stunned,

'I love it, Your Majesty. It's just that... I didn't expect you would treasure it that much.' Mina quickly replies,

Chaeyoung walks over to Mina and adoringly caresses the girl's chin, 'Because you are my National Treasure, so anything that you make, of course would become my treasure as well.' She sweetly says while giving Mina a charming wink,

And oh God, Mina's heart flipped upside down seeing that wink, 'God helps me! How can I resist this person who is blessed with so much sweetness and charms?' Mina thought to herself. She knew right then, that there's no way out for her. This charismatic Queen has swept her off her feet, and with that she's gone, she now has no control over her heart, her soul and her whole being.

That night, JiHyo is in Mina's room, helping to make the bed more comfortable before Mina goes to sleep. She doesn't have to do it because Mina is now a maid just like her, but personally to JiHyo, Mina is and always will be her Princess, so she likes to take care of her whenever she can,

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