Chapter 3

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Third person's POV

Mina nods her head, she is now able to smile happily after the adoring touch, 'Thank you, Your Majesty!' She bows at the Queen. It's just a simple thank you, but her voice is full of appreciation and her eyes are full of happiness,

Of course, Chaeyoung could read them perfectly, her heart dances at the happiness in Mina's eyes. She feels so proud like she just fulfilled another achievement. The great Queen stares into those pretty sparkling eyes and she can see forever in them, their forever future. At this point, Chaeyoung knows that her life won't complete without Mina and most certainly that Mina's happiness is her own happiness.

'Here, Mina, start eating. The food will get cold otherwise.' The Queen urges Mina to eat while getting a piece of chicken with her chopsticks and places into the girl's bowl,

'How about you, Your Majesty? Are you going to eat too?' Mina asks, not sure if the Queen is willing to eat Macedon's food,

'Of course, I can't wait to see what these food taste like, because they look amazing.' Chaeyoung happily exclaims,

Mina smiles brightly, she proceeds to pick a piece of beef with her chopsticks and places into Chaeyoung's bowl, 'Your Majesty, this is my absolute favourite.'

The Queen quickly puts it into her mouth and eats it, 'Woah, you're right, this is delicious!'

Mina is so happy seeing how much Chaeyoung enjoys it, so she keeps placing different foods into the bowl for the Queen to try while explaining about how much she likes each one of them and how she got to know about them,

Everything just tastes exceptionally amazing to the Queen, probably because Mina is sitting right next to her, and getting the food into the bowl for her. She just keeps eating while attentively listening to the girl's stories about these dishes, then asking questions once in a while. This is certainly the most enjoyable meal she has ever had,

But a while later, Mina noticed Chaeyoung has stopped eating and also has stopped asking questions. She looks at the Queen to check to see her face has turned a little red, some sweats appeared on the forehead and her eyes are also a little bit teary,

'Your Majesty, what's wrong? Are the food not to your liking?' Mina carefully asks,

'No... no, not that.' Chaeyoung tries hard to mutter some words while having her hand covered her mouth,

Mina diverts her eyes to the Queen's bowl and she can see a half eaten piece of pork, the spiciest dish out of all these dishes. That's when she realised, this fierce warrior can't handle spicy food,

Mina quickly stands up and runs to the tea table to get a cup of tea, she then hurriedly comes back and hands it to Chaeyoung. The Queen quickly drinks it all to calm down the burning sensation in her mouth, and only after she finished the whole cup of tea, her face slowly turns back to normal,

Mina then gently wipes the sweat on Chaeyoung's forehead with her handkerchief, 'Your Majesty, if it's too spicy for you, you could have told me to get some water or tea. Why didn't you say anything?' She asks,

The great Queen clears her throat, feelings quite embarrassed to tell Mina the truth, 'Ehmmm... uhmm... I... I didn't want you to think that I'm weak, and that I'm not tough enough to handle some spiciness.'

Mina smiles warmly at Chaeyoung, 'Your Majesty, can't handle spiciness and being tough are two different things. To me, you are always the toughest, the bravest and the most capable.' She tells the Queen what she really thinks about her,

The Queen and her National Treasure Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora