Chapter 17

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Third person's POV

Not another sound was made from any of the thugs, they quietly sit back down, scared for their lives as their Leader is one to kill just anyone without any emotion. But of course, internally they would never let the idea of having a taste of this beautiful woman go,

On the other hand, Mina is standing there so still, she breathes shakily, the fear of losing herself in the hands of an evil bandit is making her feel sick, so sick that she might throw up at any moment now. Mina is scared that she can't keep the promise which she made with herself ever since she knew what love is, and that is to keep herself innocent, clean and untouched for the one she loves. Mina would choose death if that what it takes to keep her virginity for her one and only special person, 'Your Majesty, please... where are you? Please save me! You don't want your Treasure to be covered with dirt, do you? So... please hurry! Your Majesty...' Mina is frantically thinking to herself.

'Take her to my room.' The Leader told the man who was with him earlier,

And the man immediately pulls Mina forcefully, heading to the Leader's room at the end of the long hall way,

'Leader, at least stay and celebrate with us for our recent successful operation. You organised this party for us at the first place, you can't just leave like this. The pretty girl can wait, can't she?' One man speaks up, stopping the Leader from leaving for his room,

Eventhough he wants to have Mina so badly right now, but being a leader of the gang, he knows he can't keep making his men upset. He reluctantly agreed to stay and drink, after all he is so sure that the gorgeous angel will belong to him, now or later,

Mina is pushed into the room by the man, and then he's just standing at the door, looking at that gorgeous face, trying his best to stop himself from drooling. He is so so close to force himself onto Mina but the fear of dying under his Leader's sword has stopped him from taking another step closer to the girl. He frustratedly swallowed his need and then he locked the door from the outside and left.

Inside the room, Mina finally can heave out the nervous breath which she has been holding ever since she stepped into this place. Mina is now frantically looking for a way to escape, she checks the door, then the windows, but they are all tightly locked. She proceeds to check around the room, looking for anything that could help to untie her wrists, anything at all but to her disappointment, there's nothing she can use. The poor Princess tries to move her wrists to break free but the more she moves, the more painful it gets, as the rope is just too tight. Mina helplessly plops down onto the floor, tears are starting to fall, 'No no no... this can't be happening! Your Majesty... I'm so scared... I don't want to be here... please help me!' She pulls her legs so close into her body, curved herself into a ball because she's terrified about what to come.

Back to the royal camping site, after noticing that Mina hasn't come back after a very long time, the maids are starting to get worried. They decided to notify the Vice Minister of war who is in charge at the moment,

'What? Mina hasn't come back?' JeongYeon shot up from her seat after hearing what the maids said,

'Yes, Vice Minister, it has to be at least a whole hour that she hasn't come back.' One of the maids continues to tell her,

JeongYeon immediately runs outside and jumps onto her horse, together with five of her soldiers, they ride straight to the flower field where Mina was last seen. They search around the flower field but found nothing, then they decided to go a little further into the vast land nearby, that's when they saw Mina's flower basket which is still there on the ground, as well as some horses footprints around it,

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