Chapter 12

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Third person's POV

Knowing that she can't afford to make Chaeyoung more angry than this, Mina quickly answered in her tiny voice, 'You said that... that I'm not allowed to touch... bow and arrow.'

'And what did you do?' Chaeyoung continues to press, being more strict than usual,

Mina's eyes got teary again as she knows this time, her disobedience has nowhere to hide, 'I... I held bow and arrow.' She replied, her voice is almost inaudible, half regretting her own action and half scolding herself for reminding the Queen about it.

'A clear rebellious behaviour!' The Queen scolds her, 'No one dares to go against my words, and yet you blatantly disregard my order.' Chaeyoung taps on Mina's nose tip a few times while speaking, 'I'm the Queen of this Kingdom, why aren't you scared of me? Huhm Mina? Should I be even more strict than how I already am?'

Mina's bottom lip starts to shake, her tears are about to fall. She is scared of the Queen, especially when the Queen is angry at her. But above that, she respects the Queen more than anyone else, she wants to tell Chaeyoung that, but the part where she knows the Queen adores her and spoils her too much is also true, and that's why she can't utter a word to defend herself,

'Do I really need to come back to be an evil Queen like before for you to listen to my orders? Chaeyoung continues to scold,

And that's the last drop to the already very full cup of water, Mina's tears are now pouring out nonstop, 'Please... don't! Please... Your Majesty! I... I only did that because... because I want to go on the hunting trip... with you, not because I take your... words lightly. Your Majesty... Please forgive me!' She gathered her courage to explain herself,

The Queen's heart has melted the moment she saw Mina's tears. She never wants to see Mina cries, but being a Queen of a Kingdom, she just had to address the girl's defiant behaviour. But right now, eventhough she's nowhere near the end of how she wants to teach this disobedient Mina, but the girl's tears have ended the lesson very early. Chaeyoung sighs defeatedly while reaching her hand over and wipes the tears away from Mina's cheeks, 'Hush now, don't cry! You know your tears have super power, don't you? You know I turn completely powerless whenever I see your tears, is that why you use it every time to get out of trouble? Huhm Mina?'

Mina looks up at the Queen with her real sad face, then she slowly stands up and starts walking,

Chaeyoung creases her brows while standing up as well, 'Where do you think you are going?' She asks,

Mina continues to walk while answering between her sniffles, 'Your Majesty, I... won't use my tears to get out of... trouble this time because... I really was wrong. I... I'm going to get... a cane and bring it... back here for you.'

Chaeyoung's heart can not handle how cute Mina is right now, the girl is so simple that she thinks if she herself brings a cane over just like last time, will definitely help to ease the Queen's anger. As simple as that, but Mina is not wrong though because it works every time, 'No Mina, no cane!' Chaeyoung tells her,

Mina immediately halts her steps as if there's a brake on her feet, she slowly turns around to face the Queen but her eyes stay fixed to the ground, feeling too guilty to look up,

Chaeyoung walks over to Mina, she bends down a little to look at the girl's face, 'Those 4 strokes of flogging from that time only happened because I absolutely had no other choices. You have no idea how much it hurt me when you were in pain, do you?'

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