Chapter 35

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Third person's POV

Next morning, Mina got up after the most amazing and satisfied sleep she has ever had. The new Consort slowly opens her eyes to see herself is still in The Queen's loving arms just like how they went to sleep last night. Mina takes the chance to stare at Chaeyoung's pretty face while she's still asleep, she smiles triumphantly remembering the moment this great Queen said that she is hers, 'You are mine, Chaeyoung ah.' Mina proudly thought to herself while placing a very light kiss on the side of Chaeyoung's jaw, very carefully not to wake her up,

But when Mina herself heard her own thoughts out loud, the smile slowly disappeared from her face because she just remembered the fact that The Queen has many many other women, and that Chaeyoung probably does what they did last night with every single one of them,

Mina's eyes dropped, her lips sadly pout on their own, 'Uhmmmm....' She subconsciously made a long complaining sound,

'Huhm?' Chaeyoung also subconsciously lets out an adoring soothing sound even before waking up. She then slowly opens her eyes and looks for her Treasure to see the girl is still in her arms but having her head down, 'What's wrong, my Treasure?' She worriedly asks,

'Nothing's wrong.' Mina sulkily replies,

The Queen creases her brows, she moves her head down a little to look at Mina in the eyes, 'Mina, you know that you can tell me anything. Anything at all.'

The innocent Princess looks into The Queen's eyes, she knows she shouldn't be feeling like this but it's just human nature, when you love someone so much, you wouldn't want to share that person with anyone else. Mina knows she needs to learn a lot to be as generous as Consort Tzuyu, but no matter how much she thinks about it, she probably won't ever be that generous, especially when it involves sharing her Chaeyoung, 'Your Majesty, I... I'm jealous.' She admits with her still pouting lips,

'Oh?' The Queen isn't sure what Mina is jealous with, as she's still half asleep,

The sulky Princess continues to tell Chaeyoung while looking at her with such a sad pair of puppy eyes, 'Your Majesty, I... I know I shouldn't be saying this, and... you probably will... punish me after hearing it, but... but I don't like the fact that you... do all the things we did last night to... your other women.'

Chaeyoung is now listening intensely while her eyes refuse to steer away from her jealous wife. Of course she knows very well all the conflicts, all the problems occurred many times between some of the Consorts and Concubines are all coming from jealousy, however none of them has ever admitted that they are jealous, or they are simply too scared to say it out loud because it's an unspoken rule of not mentioning about The Queen's other women in front of her if one wants to avoid any source of troubles. But here she is, Mina tells The Queen honestly that the girl is jealous, and it certainly sets her apart from everyone else in Chaeyoung's eyes. The fact that her Treasure isn't hiding anything from her made The great Queen actually feeling quite happy, and she's also very proud that Mina is jealous because that only means the girl is deeply in love with her.

Without a slight anger or upset after hearing what her wife said, Chaeyoung proceeds to gently pull Mina closer to her until the girl's head is rested into the crook of her neck, 'My Mina, eventhough it might be quite mean of me to say this, but... I don't love every single women I have in this palace. They are simply my responsibility and obligation. I don't even sleep with more than half of them.' The Queen is explaining very softly,

The new Consort looks up at The Queen, listening attentively,

'And those who I sleep with, I just simply need them to bear a child for me, no feelings involved whatsoever. Therefore, what I do with them aren't... making love, I don't kiss them all over like how I kissed you last night.' Chaeyoung continues to explain,

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