Chapter 26

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Third person's POV

The Queen slowly lets go of Mina's wrist, 'Mina, I'm sorry! I really am! But... I love you!' Chaeyoung is so so close to undo her decision right here, right now. Seeing Mina right in front of her is making it a thousand times harder to end this love, 'I don't expect you to understand my decision, but...' The Queen continues,

And Mina cuts her off right away, 'I don't understand your decision... I don't want to understand your decision.' The Princess is so upset that she doesn't care about the way she replied to The Queen anymore. Mina doesn't want to show her vulnerability right now, but whenever she's in front of Chaeyoung, she just can't hide her true feelings. Mina's lips are now pouting to the max, she looks at Chaeyoung with sulkiness written all over her face, 'You... you don't care about me. You said you love me, but it's a lie, everything you told me is all lies. You broke your promises, you broke... my heart, and I... will never forgive you... ever...' Mina sulkily says before stomping out of the room.

'Mina...' The Queen sits up on her bed, she watches Mina runs out of the room with tears streaming down her face. It's killing her that she can't do anything to soothe the girl she loves. This is certainly the first time ever that this much tears are escaping from her eyes, it hurts her even more because Mina just told her that the girl's heart is also broken, and Chaeyoung knows how painful that is because she's suffering from the same heart break. Nothing breaks like a heart, the very heart she treasures the most, and none other than herself who broke it. The Queen starts to hit her left chest harshly with the fist of her hand, 'Oh God! Why does it hurt so much? This... this is too much to take. Can I... even survive this heart break?' Chaeyoung thought she could handle her own decision, but obviously she's nowhere near fine.

On the other hand, Mina ran out of the Queen's room, and when she reached the main hall, Consort Tzuyu and Vice Minister JeongYeon are still there waiting. Mina takes a moment to calm down her emotions before walking over to Tzuyu, 'Consort Tzuyu, Her Majesty has regained her conciousness...' She tells her,

Consort Tzuyu and JeongYeon both heave out a sigh of relief,

'I need to see Her Majesty.' The Vice Minister said. She and Consort Tzuyu both nod their heads at each other as if confirming what they just discussed with each other before Mina ran out, then JeongYeon quickly walks into The Queen's room,

After JeongYeon left, Mina looks at Tzuyu before continuing, 'Consort Tzuyu, thank you for letting me in to see Her Majesty one last time. Now that I can confirm that she's alright, I will leave.'

'Wait, Mina! Can I have a word with you?' Consort Tzuyu stopped her from leaving, 'Please take this seat.' Tzuyu gestures at the chair opposite hers,

Mina has no idea what Tzuyu wants to talk about, but because The Queen had told her many times that Consort Tzuyu is a kind and trustworthy person, Mina finds it safe to be close to her. She proceeds to sit down as told,

'Mina, I know you might feel upset at Her Majesty's decision, but can you stay?' Tzuyu goes straight to the point,

Mina is a little surprised hearing that from the Consort, 'But I can't stay, it's... a royal decree. I... don't dare to go against it.' She replied,

'If you read the royal decree carefully, Mina, Her Majesty did not mention that you have to leave the palace. She said that you are free to go, but that also means... you are free to stay.' Tzuyu continues to persuade,

Mina looks at Consort Tzuyu with so many questions in her eyes, 'I thought everyone would want me to leave, but... Consort Tzuyu, don't you want me to leave? Do you really want me to stay?'

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