30.<No one>

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"is it sent?"

"Hyunjin are you sure....you won't regret it"

"What's left for regret Minho, send his paycheck to him too"

"Sure thing "

Minho's footsteps halted. He was contemplating walking out that door or staying to confront Hyunjin.

In any case this wasn't his fight. He had no right to emphasize his opinions on to Hyunjin's even though he was wrong.

He's mind couldn't wrap around anything. Felix got closer to Hyunjin to steal a piece of painting. It was for money but something felt odd. So very odd.

The door clamped behind him. His footsteps going further away. Was sending that email to Felix the right thing to do? Who knows.


The ting of the notification alerted Felix. His heart raced, maybe it was Hyunjin who texted. Maybe he wanted to talk things out. In hopes of that he skidded towards his phone.

Seungmin had left a few minutes ago to work his plan into action. Whatever that meant. Felix didn't care as long as everything worked out in the end.

In his restless to open his phone he ended up putting the wrong passcode two times.

Third times the charm and the phone opened.

It was a mail not a text. Maybe Hyunjin had blocked him thats why he resorted to mail. In any case he opened the app and clicked on the message.

His eyes skimmed throughout the text and the link attached to it.


He was fired.




His monthly paycheck attached to it. His eyes felt heavy. He wanted to cry again. To take his frustrations out but nothing came. He used up all his tears that nothing came forward. God he messed up.

His breathing accelerated. He couldn't do this anymore. He needed to get out. He needed to move. He needed closure. Korea wasn't the place for it. So he did only one thing that made sense to him at that moment.

One way ticket to Australia.


"Open up man"

"It's me chris"

"Fuck off"

Chris sighed atleast Hyunjin was responding. Spouting obscenities but responsive.

"Starving yourself won't undo anything you know".

Hyunjin forced his eyes to close. As hard as he could. He felt the pain in doing so but he had to. His head hurt from everything. This was the only way to distract himself from the pain.

His room smelled of Felix. As much as he wished to hate that he couldn't. He could pretend to hate Felix but he couldn't. He was so deep in this.

If Felix was to come on his doorstep to ask for forgiveness he could forgive and forget. Even if Felix didn't felt the same for him.

His presence was better than his absence. no matter how much it ruined him.

He was hoping just hoping that Felix might come to see him.

He didn't.

If he didn't wanted Hyunjin he couldn't forced the younger one. He wanted his presence but not from force.

He fired Felix to free him. He didn't wanted to tie the younger to him. But fuck did it hurt so much.

If Felix had wanted money he could've asked and Hyunjin would've delivered.

Lee Felix would be the death of him.




"Felixs little friend is here"

Felixs.... friend


"Im coming wait"

He slammed the door open barely missing seungmin by an inch or two.

"Hi. Im seung-"

"Kim seungmin yeah I know. Is he here too...?"

"Lix? No"

"Oh" disappointment laced Hyunjin's voice

"Let him in".

Hyunjin watched as the lean boy came inside. Glasses perched up on his nose, thin lips and brown hair. The opposite of Felix.

"How can I assist-"

"Madeline's a little liar and I think we should reflect on that... together "

His statement shocked Hyunjin. Sure he knew about Madeleine's absurdness but this. This was a whole new level.

"I have proof" seungmin interrupted before Hyunjin could state his opening pushing his laptop towards him.

"Should I go?" Chan's voice peaked out. He debated going away but stopped once he saw seungmin shake his head.

"Here we go".
The putrid airport smell spiraled it's way towards Felix. The place smelt of sweat and stress. He rolled his bag behind him carefully. His phone blizzards with notifications. He should've told his friends yet he chose not too. Jisung and jeongin kept spamming him. He took his phone out to mute his messages. No matter how hard he tried there was no way he couldn't search for seungmins name yet it never appeared.

Not one single call.

With a heavy sigh he made his way to the entrance. The luminous neon lights almost blinding him.


His mothers voice rang out in the crowd. His steps haulted then fastened.

He thought he was ready to face them. To lay off a little before going back but his character broke. As soon as his eyes laid on his parents drapped in a shawl standing together looking like ever the so perfect couple he broke down.

His mothers eyes changed from surreal to shock. Whatever his parents were expecting it was definitely not their son breaking out, crying and running towards them.

All im saying is that Alevels is very hard and I will not pass🙏.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2023 ⏰

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