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Apparently Jisung got bailed out of jail by someone. He wouldn't specify who exactly but Felix had a hunch he didn't knew who it was either. He got off from his call with Jisung after making sure everything was ok. Seungmin was near Incheon so he'd drop by to see Jisung once his job was completed. Felix still felt weird about what happened a few hours prior. God he was going to die out of embarrassment. He never got a reply back from Hyunjin, which technically wasn't unusual but it felt weird to not receive one. Not that Hyunjin was obliged to send one. His phone lit up from another message. Felix assumed it was it was the notification to alert him of the monthly salary. The month ended and he only had 4 more months to endure.

He turned his phone on again only to be met up with a message from an unknown number.

Hey Yongbok. It's me Madeline. I was out of the hospital two days ago and was wondering if we could meet up? Same café since last time?@2? :)

Of course! Im sorry I wasn't able to visit you in the hospital I didn't had time.

Aw that's ok. I wanted to be alone to think anyways. Meet you later. X

Felix threw his phone on his bed and smashed his face in his pillow squealing. Finally some time alone with Madeline. The clock struck 1 he had an hour to get ready. Jumping from his bed he went straight to the bathroom to shower. Everything must be perfect.


Madeline had a blue blouse on with a black pencil skirt. Her hair tied up in a  neat high ponytail that fell in waves past her shoulders. Sipping a milkshake of some sort, glancing and furiously typing on her phone again and again. She looked so pretty. So so pretty. Her hair was so pretty so dark but not like Hyunjin's pretty blonde color. Her eyes didn't turn into crescents when she smiled, Hyunjin's did. And her lips were thin and not plump like Hyunjin's. Felix shook his head mentally and frowned a little. Why was he even comparing her to Hyunjin? He took one step after another and nervously reached the entrance of the café. He didn't know what to expect or what not. He gulped and finally opened the door. Taking careful steps towards where Madeline was sitting. He took her appearance in and felt way underdressed.

Ripped denim jeans, black Converse, white shirt with a sage green button up. He had so many regrets in life and one was his dressing style. He cleared his throat to indicate his presence and drew the chair opposite of Madeline and sat in it.

"Omg hi yongbok its been so long"

Her voice was so chirpy.

"Yeah hi. How are you by the way? You're ok?"

"Oh of course I am"

"Sorry if this is personal but what happened to you?"

Madeline's breath hitched a bit. He saw that but didn't comment on it.

"Oh it was nothing just a mild case of pnemonia. Enough about me I just wanted to talk to you because....well as friends I thought I'd warn you"

Felix's lips curled down. He didn't felt as sadden by the thought of being friend zoned as he presumed.


"Hyunjin knows who you are"

"Huh? Im sorry what are you even talking about"

He nervously giggled a bit.

Please don't let it be what I think it is.

Please. Please please please

"He knows who you are..... Felix "

His eyes widened. Bile was beginning to rise up in his throat. This was all just a sick joke. He couldn't know. Absolutely not. If he knew then....no

"Im sorry Felix. But Hyunjin knew who you were from the start. I should know since I'm his secretary. He..was, well mad really mad and so he started acting nice to you so that he could fuck with your brain"


"Im your friend Felix I care about you , genuinely. I don't want to see you get hurt. Have you never thought about  how you got a position as high as an acting secretaries with no experience "

"please stop"

"It was because Hyunjin's petty. He wanted to crush you. Did you seriously never thought why he treats you better than everyone else? You're average Felix. You dont matter to him. He just pretends to care for you so he can destroy you."

"no please I'm begging you just stop please I can't "

"He was using you from the begining Felix. You're nothing. You're just you. You never got his attention because he thought you were amazing you got it because he hates you"

"You're lying "

Felix looked at her. Tears were running from his eyes making their way to his chin and falling right on the table. His hands shaking with fear, his voice cracking as he said each and every word. His eyes were getting blood shot red. Theres no way everything was a lie. Right? There's no way Hyunjin pretended to care for Felix? When they were back in Chicago right? He took care of him. He looked so worried. That could've never been fake It wasn't!. It couldn't be. He couldn't accept it. His head was starting to hurt. He needed to sleep, needed time to think. What was his life coming to. His head fell in his hands elbows propped against the table. The silent tears now transitioning into full blown sobs. This was bad so so bad. He wasn't being used. No no no no no he wasn't. It was real. Everything was.

"Those men back in Chicago. He sent them Felix. I even had video proof. He gets a sick thrill watching you getting beat up"

By now Felix was visibly shaking. His body was vibrating with sobs. He wasn't ready to admit the reality. But madeline knew Hyunjin more than him. She wouldn't lie to him.  He stood up shakily. No balance was left in his body. Madeline stood up equally fast grabbing his forearm.

"Where do you live Felix? I'll drop you off. Let's go"

Her sympathetic voice made him feel even more pathetic. How could he not see it. Everything was so obvious yet he was so blind to the truth. Of course no normal boss would treat his employee to a random expensive restaurant. He got played. Fuck he got played like an instrument.

He gave Madeline directions to see apartment while he continued wailing in her car. She tried reassuring him talking to him but nothing would work. The ringing in his ear was increasing by the second. His head was pounding so bad. He might need disprin or ibuprofen. He blocked out Madelines attempts to sooth him. His conscious wasn't aware enough for him to feel guilty.

The car stopped after a while. Felix's hand was covering his face as he cried more. He knew they were at his apartment though he couldn't bring himself to get up.  A soft hand touched his shoulder rather gently.

"Hey Felix. I had to tell you this. I didn't wanted you to suffer anymore but now seeing you cry maybe I shouldn't have had. God I'm such an idiot I should've kept quite. I hate seeing you like this if I could just reverse time and-"

"No" his croaked voice rang out. " Thank you for telling me I just- can't believe it."


He got up from her car making his way to his room. He couldn't function properly. His head was hurting so much. He felt dizzy. He recently got out from a trauma just to be thrown in another situation. He heard Madeline start the car  as he lost his balance and fell on the ground. His head banged on the pavement. It was hurting so bad. His vision went black. He couldn't see nor hear anything. He especially couldn't hear Madeline's footsteps coming towards him and lost conscious before he could feel her heels kicking his sides again and again. The same area where he was hurt the last time. His body groaning from pain even if his mind faded.

"Bitch" she spat at him getting in her car driving away. As Felix laid on the cold ground, shivering. His cheeks wet with tears and his head hurting.

He just didn't wanted to believe it.

Law Of Proclivity Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora