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The rest of the day was spent in Hyunjin catering to Felix's needs. He didn't mind it as much as he thought he would've he was more than happy to serve him. He had to keep reassuring Felix he didn't get in the way of their meeting no matter how important it was a persons health was first. The same routine happened: food would be delivered to their room, Hyunjin would feed Felix, Felix would complain and they'd joke around a bit. He was getting comfortable, very comfortable around Felix. Maybe just maybe what he felt for Felix wasn't a simple crush.

Maybe he did fell in love.

It was too early to label that. Hyunjin had a whole criteria to how he deemed falling in love would feel like though only liking Felix was addicting enough he didn't wanted to know what falling in love with him would mean. 'love' Hyunjin thought was such a basic word. Whoever fell in love how were they so sure they fell in love? Maybe they just liked the other person not love. How would someone figure out what 'in love' meant. What if you just like that person but the like is stronger then normal so you call it love. What if love was a feeling way beyond like but no one noticed.

What if Hyunjin wasn't in love. What if he just liked Felix. He wanted to test the waters to see just how far he could like Felix. How long till the like turned into love. Surely lovin' someone had no bounds  how would he know the intensity of falling in love. Maybe no one ever fell in love, what if what they experienced was just like but they were too blind to notice.

He looked at Felix who was looking at the stars explaining the rhythm and meaning of astronomy. He noticed how every time he talked about stars his eyes disappeared into little crescents, his simple would reach his eyes and he would let now little laughs in between. Hyunjin smiled at that. He lost count of how many times he smiled in the younger's presence. The moon lightened Felix's face casting a glowing shadow over it. He looked ethereal.

Yeah Hyunjin would definitely like to know what it felt like to fall in love.

His heart palpitates so much already in the silver haired males presence. He was sure he'd die if he fell in love, his heart wouldn't be able to handle beating so much so fast.

He was never the one to be interested in the sky and stars but seeing Felix talk so joyfully about them he felt like Felix was one of them. A star. So beautiful so mesmerizing shining wherever he went. Such a beautiful being far from anyone's reach. Lee Felix. He was Hyunjin's own star.

His star.

"Yon' its getting late you should sleep. Sleep helps fight disease"

"No it doesn't"

"We wont know unless you sleep now would we"



"Let's visit a park in spring. The cherry blossom i want to see them."

"Spring it is"

"And even if i couldn't visit it instead of me"

"Let's visit it together yon'."

"If i am busy visit it for me pleaseee"

"Alright alright stop whining now and go to sleep"

Hyunjin got up from his chair and went to draw the curtains. His mind thinking of the best places where cherry blossom trees could be seen from. Felix randomly asking to see cherry blossom trees was unusual but oh well no harm in that.

His eyes lit up when he remembered a place and turned back to inform Felix only to see him passed out on the bed. Drool coming from his mouth, clenching a pillow in his hand.

'ew' Hyunjin thought if liking someone meant thinking them sleeping was cute he didn't wanted to imagine what he would think if he loved him.

From trying to take revenge on Felix to tucking him in bed. Life had a funny way of treating Hyunjin.

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