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His hands were sweating more than he imagined. A lump of guilt stuck in his throat. His eyes started shaking, his breathe coming in short pants as he carefully removed the painting from its original place on the wall and began rolling it. He was sweating guilt, mistrust, betrayal and lies.

He was going to go home and shower his sins away.

He slowly started gathering himself up and bolted towards the door locking it behind him. He couldn't even fathom anymore what was happening. He hated it. Hated everything and everyone at this point.

He didn't stop until he reached his room throwing the painting underneath his bed. His chest heaving up and down. His throat dry. He stumbled towards the fridge and got out a bottle of water but no matter how much he chugged it down he was unable to quench his thirst.  God, he hated it.

He hated himself

He hated Madeline

He couldn't even be mad at her. It was because of his stupidity he was stuck here. If only he could reverse time he would've stopped his past self from doing something as stupid as trusting Madeline.

Was he seriously this pathetic to think he made a friend? He didn't deserve one.

His back hit the back of the kitchen counter as he slowly slid down. The one person that cared for him was going to loathe him. He was going to be hated so much. He didn't want to be hated. A small part of him hoped for forgiveness no matter how miniscule or how long it took.

Water dripped and leaked from his mouth travelling to his chin and dropping onto the floor as he cried more loudly.

Why won't my throat feel less dry?


Im sorry

Did I commit a crime in my previous life for this punishment

He curled himself into a ball and cried his heart out. He cried as hard as he could because there was nothing else to do. He cried for Hyunjin more than himself. He just couldn't fully understand why.

His ears felt dull to everything. He almost didn't notice his phone ringing violently as he sobbed. Contemplating whether he should even pick it up. He wiped his tears from the back of his hand, limping his way to his sofa where the phone was. His stomach churned with disgust when he saw the called ID.

He didn't pick the phone up instead he just stared at it. Hoping either it'll stop ringing or his heart stops beating. Contrary to the believe, the phone didn't stop. Growing restless and tired he eventually answered the call. Not like he had a choice.

"Felix! Do you have it??"

"Yeah..." His voice was just above a whisper that he almost couldn't here.

"Lovely. I want it right now"

The line cut off with Madeline sending him the address to a nearby café.



"He'll reject you"

"Minho why'd you even think that?"

"Because I know I would"

Hyunjin was three seconds away from punching Minho in the gut. He was going over ways to confess to Felix and none of them seemed to appeal Minho.

He thought booking an entire restaurant was going overboard. Buying Felix an expensive confession 'gift' was too pricey and just confessing while they were in the office a bit overburdening.

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