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Felix wasn't sure if he did something to offend Hyunjin for him to leave so abruptly. Not a single word was exchanged between them as Hyunjin went to their room- that felix assumed- he knew he hadn't said anything to him. Hyunjin maybe needed to sort some things out for their meeting tomorrow. Of course that had to be it.

Nodding he went back to drinking his latte. He forgot he never told Madeline a 'thank you' for the latte recommendation. He made a mental note to remind himself to do that once they go back to Seoul.

He looked back at the creamy texture of his coffee. He had gotten in an ok relationship with Hyunjin maybe he will enjoy his time left with him. No harm in that.

His train of thought was broken when two figures approached him, both towering over him. Their shadows blocking the light streaming onto Felix. He looked up to see to males he'd never seen in his life staring right at him. He felt like a prey under their gaze. The duo looked expensive, they reeked of trouble. His survival instincts kicked in he was on guard.

The one on the right, a black vest adorned his body his tattoo filled arms on full display, a navy blue cap on his head. He definitely lived in the gym considering how bulked up he looked. Felix internally cringed. If he was to pick a fight with Felix he'd be snapped in half; literally. The other one was dressed more casual formal. Red shirt tucked into his  faded blue jeans, sleeves rolled up till his elbow and the top two buttons of his shirt undone exposing his chest.

Felix didn't felt the urge to run his hands through his neck like he had with Hyunjin. He felt weird, afraid.

If  only Hyunjin hadn't left to their room. He couldn't do this alone. He mentally cursed himself he didn't wanted Hyunjin to be here with him these guys looked dangerous and the last thing he needed was for Hyunjin to go to a hospital because of him -again-.

"You hyunjin's bitch?"

Felix blinked once.
Then twice



"Are you dating Hyunjin" the nicely dressed one asked Felix, exasperation cleared in his voice.

"Uh. No no im not why would you think that"

"You're a bad liar"

"Im serious. Im not ly-"

Felix couldn't even finsih his sentence when Suddenly his collar was grabbed and was hollered up from his sitting position. The coffee tripped the table and spilled on felix.


His hand was burned. He felt the hot liquid all over his hand trailing downwards to the table.

He didn't had time to even process what was happening when the guy in the black vest threw in his arm over Felix's shoulder.

"Lets talk somewhere private hm" the guy leaned his wait on Felix. He wasn't stupid he knew he was being intimidated. What he hated was knowing they succeeded. Felix wasn't used to such aggressives-ness aside from jisungs but that was friendly so it didn't count.

He gulped his throat felt dry. He didn't wanted Hyunjin to be tangled up in this mess but god he wished the older would burst in the now empty buffet hall and take Felix away. He'd even do a week worth of his work in three days if it meant space from whoever these men were.

Tears begging welling up in his eyes. He tried blinking them away. He was fine, he shouldn't cry. It was ok, he was ok. Everything was fine.

He stumbled in his way next to the two men who led his out the buffet hall and towards the secluded supply closet at the far end of the hotel. It was far enough that no one would hear his screams and dark enough that he couldn't see unless he squinted.

They are so gonna kill me and leave me to die

Felix shivered not from the cold but from the chills he got from this place. He'd write a complain for keeping these areas so easily accessible to just anyone once he got back.

He was too busy squinting his watered eyes to even notice the arm being lifted off his shoulder. One of the guys gripped his shoulders hard enough that made him hiss out from pain, turned him towards them and punched his stomach. The younger male tumbled backwards both from the shock and the punch. He began coughing trying to take large breathes of air. All the air was knocked out from his lungs.

He tripped backwards and fell no longer being able to hold himself up anymore. He was right if he were to fight them he'd be snapped in half and he was definitely being snapped in half.

His collar was grabbed again and the was lifted up. His own collar choking his as the grip twisted. He began thrashing and using his nails to scratch their hands silently begging them to loosen their grips. Felix couldn't form any words. His mind to focused on trying to loosen the grip on his collar.

"I don' like lairs, honey. Admit it you are dating Hyunjin and I'll make this less painful" the guy in the white shirt talked. Felix could tell he was the dominant one here the other guy was just present to do his dirty work.

"I-" he needed oxygen desperately. "Im not- i swear he's just-"

He felt a piece of metal connect with his temple.  Blood trickled down his forehead. It travelled from his cheek to the side of his face. His vision starting getting blurry, tears  that he was once with holding now streamed down his face. He gasped.

Suddenly the grip on his collar loosened and fell back. Nothing supporting his weight anymore. His hair yanked backwards, his head now facing upwards.

Felix really wasn't used to such violence he was more pampered in his household and even within his friend group. He was sensitive. He'd cry easily during a movie. He'd cry during weddings, celebrations and even if someone lightly raised their voice at him. From being held like a fragile thing to beaten to a pulp was something he was never going to get used too.

Felix sniffed, his eyes rimmed  red with shredded tears and his lips a dark pink due to gasping and coughing alot. His scalp was beginning to pain. His hair were positively going to be ripped apart if they were going to be pulled so harshly.

"Listen here honey, you're gonna tell your little boyfie whenever he find you that he'll be the next one to suffer if his stocks wont drop down."

It was noted, felix really hated the white shirt guy. A bitch he'd say.

Hands encased his throat putting pressure on his jugglar. He couldn't breathe. He was being strangles his knew that. Spit drooled out of his mouth and he cough and wheezed louder than he evert had. Someone had to hear him. Someone would come for him. Hyunjin would. He cared for him somewhat. Where was he now. More tears leaked from his eyes. His hands grabbing the ones on his throat trying to push them away but he was of no match. His strength wasn't enough.

And slowly every so slowly he saw black dots appear in his vision. His sight blurry. His chest heaved, struggled, begged for even a minuscule amount of air. He wasn't granted that. Soon his consciousness faded and he fainted. Not before he heard the words:

"What's better to use against an over-smart cocky CEO then something he loves"



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